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tinnitus photography

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Everything posted by tinnitus photography

  1. Psycho Las Vegas postponed to 2021. no surprise there.
  2. Bandcamp is one of the few online platforms that's actually fair to the bands and today they are waiving all associated fees for any purchases. i am sure we all know musicians who are really struggling right now, so do what you can and help out (and obv get some awesome music in return).
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pU-74VXsVAM
  4. that GBV into TFC combo was the best.
  5. i am very excited that they are gonna learn and do Everything Flows. it's my favorite TFC song. i recorded this in 2016 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j3tCP2L62IM
  6. streaming over Youtube is way better than IG... i still haven't found a decent way to project to my TV. i tried the IG Story browser extension from my laptop but that kept crashing
  7. i was surprised to see a couple announcements of people added (Sharon Van Etten, Phoebe Bridgers). no way that's gonna happen this summer.
  8. i optimistically bought tickets for the re-scheduled Elder show in Dec, if only to give the promoter a little $ on hand. he's a good dude.
  9. Steve Kilbey covering "I Am A Rock" via his IG story (he played Sing-Songs and Persia very early this morning).
  10. i've been using the downtime to go through all my photo archives, re-organize, rename, and keyword etc as well as to make sure everything is in my Lightroom catalog. it's a pretty daunting challenge but no time like the present, right? I'm nearly done 2010, and it's been really fun to see some of these older photos. i did a search and didn't find a thread on the original SSF so i figured that i'd post one, as I'm sure there are people here who've been on board since the start. here is the review (sorry about the naff formatting) but for whatever reason there was only a lead photo published s
  11. Lou Barlow did one at 1PM EDT today, and he'll do another at 7:30 EDT via IG.
  12. i still really can't listen to that PM record much...
  13. tinnitus is what i heard. then again, i have tinnitus.
  14. maybe i was drunk but i thought Sue gave me a quick shout out last night.
  15. the tweedy show is awesome. i hope every wilco fan tunes in at least occasionally. i don't know what more you could ask of one of your favorite bands.
  16. Napalm Death - Scum as names for helping to describe their sound go, that's way up there.
  17. Mogwai - Come On Die Young live twitter thread via #timstwitterlisteningparties (Tim Burgess of the Charlatans, not me)
  18. Great Woods is a dump now, and putting in seats on the formerly GA grass space was stupid.
  19. I think I saw REM four times in total... one time was on Black Monday. that was kinda surreal.
  20. let's hear the first time ye saw REM... for me it was on the Pre-construction tour, Spring weekend at Brown in '85. it was an outdoor show and some enterprising soul went out the night before, dug a giant hole in the ground and planted a keg in it. needless to say, it was the last outdoor spring concert weekend at Brown until my senior year, and that was held in a more regulated courtyard space (and not nearly as good... Little Feat and Tom Tom Club). this set list is amazing but i really only remember the Paint it Black cover. https://www.setlist.fm/setlist/rem/1985/pembroke-field-brown-u
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