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tinnitus photography

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Everything posted by tinnitus photography

  1. yeah Biden sucks, and that's been apparent for a while now. NEXT
  2. Howlin Rain/Major Stars/Garcia Peoples were awesome last night... HR in particular was super tight and really rocking. go see them!
  3. this is the hardest musician death for me since Jack Rose. just utterly devastating.
  4. link? or is this just water cooler talk w/ some dude you work with?
  5. if you haven't already, the first two are just as good, if not better in their own ways.
  6. did the bernie supporters tell her to ignore campaigning in wisconsin? because that sorted turned out to be a big deal.
  7. i think Clinton did more than enough damage to herself, tbh.
  8. how is that Rosalie record? I liked the idea of Purson better than the actual execution. that Chameleons record is so fucking good. i know that "Swamp Thing," "Caution," and "Tears" are highly rated with good reason, but there are a lot of hidden gems here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vj5u-a68hZA
  9. someone should tell Neko that! i've been surprised to see Kelly missing from teh last two tours.
  10. let's get a full-time all-star banter group going... i'll nominate Neko Case, King Buzzo and Ryley Walker as well.
  11. yeah he did sit in on one song at the Pickens w/ Mavis but i didn't go and my friends who did weren't sure of the song. two more that i posted on the facebook page:
  12. he did make mention of some airplane dragging a banner and circling overhead... "Can't you see I'm just a guy with an acoustic guitar?" he also made a joke when us photographers left the pit after the 3rd song, "Now that all the photographers have left, I don't have to suck in my gut any more and the singing should be better."
  13. i know he played "New Madrid" and "I Am Trying To Break Your Heart" but i didn't write any notes while i was scurrying from stage to stage. setlist.fm says he played "Impossible Germany" but i don't recall that one being played.
  14. More later, but figured I'd start a thread. really fun show, once again. and one in color
  15. over dinner tonight, Otis and I decided that The Malk would be the perfect choice. how about your choices?
  16. coming in 2026, the #USTOO Tour, featuring Louis CK, Ryan Adams and the guy from Ducktails. Special introduction by Roman Polanski (so this is obv a Euro-only tour).
  17. the crazy thing is that they made 1000? that's grossing a half million... but there is no way in hell they're gonna shift that many.
  18. i gave them the benefit of the doubt in 2016 with their vote for Trump. I guess some people will always vote for what they perceive is their best self-interest, and these guys are both bankers so it's clear they wouldn't vote for someone like Warren or Sanders. but given Trump's behavior since elected, i wanted to see if they changed their minds. they hadn't and still support him. i find that absolutely reprehensible, esp as one of them is a self-avowed christian.
  19. last night i basically cut off ties to two neighborhood friends i've had for years over their continued support of Trump.
  20. i realize that i am quoting a fairly old post, but regardless of what Trump says/tweets/does, he can't hang himself due to the depressingly large amount of Americans who are OK w/ his indirect or flagrant racism.
  21. saw Mono last night at Whelan's. kinda surprised it took me so long to finally see a show there. pretty decent, small room. didn't make it up to the balcony to check that out but maybe next time. Mono are pretty good at the post-rock dynamic rock game, a bit more orchestral/symphonic than, say, Mogwai. no opener, just them. the guy in front of me had such bad BO that i was praying he'd start farting to mask the smell.
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