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tinnitus photography

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Everything posted by tinnitus photography

  1. huh i didn't realize he was playing here... Natick, too.
  2. more excellence coming from Australia: https://hobbiesgalore.bandcamp.com/album/everybody-split?fbclid=IwAR38hnQTCtTkm9oFFiOm8qM-WwmQOPrjkOZcS8TP_7ZSeYH9kDxcraJZReE
  3. i work in biopharma, which is the reason i am over in ireland a lot these days (working on a new project facility design/build/qualify).
  4. well i actually didn't spend too much time there... drove out sat from dublin and got into town around 1:30... checked in to my hotel and grabbed a falafel from a street vendor for lunch and then drove down to Aillwee Cave and then Cliffs of Moher. i didn't get back into Galway until nearly 9:30 and then had dinner at a really good place called Dela. had a beer at Salt House which was cool. there was a tapas place called Cava Bodega which looked great but was booked solid. a dubliner recommended Tartare or Anier but Tartare was fancier than i was looking for and Anier closed at 10. i left G
  5. bummed i am overseas and missing the Boston date, though the Milwaukee review was pretty savage. looks like a great set list (Childhood's End!) but curious as to why they didn't add Eugene??? seems like a big hole.
  6. when i was in Galway a few days ago, i struck up a conversation with the guy at the bar next to me. Turns out he was an American/English semi-expat who stage manages The Underworld, which sounded like a cool venue.
  7. apply for and get a job at Newbury Comics, but be sure to specify that you can only work at the Newbury location, and only on Saturday. until 1 or so.
  8. granted NYC prices are different, but maybe our definition of 'club' is the issue here... in Boston anyways, i would say that a club is 1000 or less capacity, excepting House of Blues which is almost on par with T5. and 90% of shows at venues like The Paradise, Royale, Sinclair, even HoB are definitely under $50. There is no way Wilco would play a venue like HoB at this stage in their career; they are too big.
  9. a club show for under $50? that's incredibly easy.
  10. in the early 90s i saw a set sale for this record in Goldmine, for $100. which was a lot of money in those days and i passed. I've never seen another copy come up for sale, and i doubt i ever will. i did get a copy of the bootleg that came out a few years ago. https://www.discogs.com/Jim-Shepard-Slit-and-Pre-Slit/release/7397745
  11. he has not been there. watching Herndon and McEntire drum together is amazing. WAND is cool, too.
  12. that can only mean one thing. they are playing the Pitchfork festival.
  13. depending on what you are looking for, there is a strong possibility you might never actually see a physical copy.
  14. https://twitter.com/AidanJohnMoffat/status/1096182171692339200
  15. i haven't bought a record via ebay in years, though the automated alerts were handy at times... discogs is the way to go, imo.
  16. well this was unexpected... congrats to my friends in High On Fire!!!
  17. that live record was my intro to the band. killer set.
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