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Oil Can Boyd

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Everything posted by Oil Can Boyd

  1. Really? Wow. Some of the comments were getting pretty heated though. It sort of proved Tweedy's point about the internet as he was quoted in Magnet Magazine: “‘Look at this beautiful kitten.’ ‘Fuck you, that kitten’s a socialist.’ ‘You’re a fag.’ Basically, that’s the crux of all Internet discussion.”
  2. Yeah, I know, I know but it looks like those Stone Roses reunion rumors are true: http://www.slicingupeyeballs.com/2011/10/18/stone-roses-reunion-tour-dates/
  3. I saw it and liked it (but I'm a pretty big fan). It definitely assumes you are familiar with the band, and there is some great old footage. My one complaint is that it spends a chunk of time (and it's not a long movie) on whether Merritt is, as one critic call him, a “rockist cracker,” because he said that he doesn't like hip-hop.
  4. Thurston and Kim split up. Statement from Matador: Musicians Kim Gordon and Thurston Moore, married in 1984, are announcing they have separated. Sonic Youth, with both Kim and Thurston involved, will proceed with its South American tour dates in November. Plans beyond that tour are uncertain. The couple has requested respect for their personal privacy and does not wish to issue further comment.
  5. I kinda wish I was going to that instead of Crooked Still but I am committed at this point ...
  6. Agreed. I can handle an article about the players being spoiled overpaid slackers but the Francona stuff in the article was just wrong. Curt Schilling was on ESPN tonight ripping the Sox ownership for throwing Francona under the bus.
  7. Theo Epstein "on brink" of joining Cubs ... http://www.bostonherald.com/sports/baseball/red_sox/view.bg?articleid=1372633&pos=breaking
  8. One of their earliest b-sides was "If Only You Were Lonely." Well, I walked out of work And I was tired as hell Another day's come and gone and oh well Somewhere there's a drink with my name on it Well, I ordered a Scotch as I bust through them doors Spilled half on my jeans The other half on the floor When I saw you standing by that video game Well, I ain't very good But I get practice by myself Forgot my one line So I just said what I felt If only you were lonely, If only you was lonely too, If only you was lonely I'd go home with you Twenty push-ups this morning, that was half my
  9. Boston Herald Grade: A- No new tricks here, instead Wilco’s eighth album is a collection of its best old tricks — and what a collection it is. Jammed together are wild experimental rock (“Art of Almost”), ace power pop (“Dawned on Me”) and sublime folk (“Black Moon”), giving the band a fresh, bold sound. Much credit goes to Nels Cline’s flat-out-sick lead guitar and Jeff Tweedy’s songwriting — how his melodic skills are still improving astounds me. For a bright, brilliant new wave nugget, download “Standing O.” — JED GOTTLIEB
  10. Magnet Magazine is back in print. There is a nice article about them along with the a pretty negative review. It's not online yet but they give it five out of ten stars.
  11. I thought that was pretty cool - partly because I lived about two blocks away from there a long time ago.
  12. Analogman set up a page that provides all kinds of info on this: http://viachicago.org/topic/28070-bit-torrent-and-related-links/
  13. Not heard, but read. The new issue of National Geographic has a short piece on the relationship between a song's tempo and its effect on athletic performance while working out. There is a chart showing different songs, their tempo (BPM), and different activities. The chart includes REM's Everybody Hurts at the slow end (63 BPM), the White Stripes' Rag and Bone at the high end (193 BPM), and Outtasite (Outta Mind) somewhere in the middle at 130 BPM.
  14. That blog (http://thepowerofindependenttrucking.blogspot.com/) that PopTodd linked to has a bunch of that stuff for download, including a 22 song set of Mumur outtakes and different mixes.
  15. This past summer the Institute of Contemporary Art in Boston had an exhibit on vinyl records and as part of the exhibit they had the original art work for this album. It is a series of Polaroid pictures and is probably at least five feet by five feet. Unfortunately they didn't allow photos ...
  16. Love Captain's Dead. I've been reading (and downloading) for years. Didn't realize you were here too.
  17. Mangum plays at Occupy Wall Street. Video here: http://www.stereogum.com/830961/watch-jeff-mangum-play-occupywallstreet/video/
  18. That's a shame. I saw his show at the MFA a few years ago and it was great.
  19. It came out in 2005, before City of Thieves so I would bet your library has it. I haven't read it but it has pretty great reviews. (And in looking into this I learned that Benioff is married to Amanda Peet.)
  20. I really loved City of Thieves so I picked this one up. It's good. It's a simpler story and a fairly quick read. Have you read his short story collection (When the Nines Roll Over (and Other Stories))?
  21. It's too bad if it is true (and it certainly appears to be what's happening). Overall I think he's done a great job. But when you fold like that, someone's got to take the blame.
  22. He's great but whenever I see him I can't help thinking of this:
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