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Everything posted by bleedorange

  1. Maybe this move will finally get my dad off of AOL.
  2. Young has really sullied his reputation in my eyes. For someone who has been so starved for a winner his whole career, and is making so much more than his current actual value, it just doesn't make any sense.
  3. Very interesting thread. It can be tough and intimidating for new members. It took me forever to start actively posting.
  4. I still think "Deeper Down" is the best song on the album, but there aren't any masterpieces.
  5. I love Michael Young, but he is far from a viable option anywhere on the left side of the infield.
  6. I think it's a step up from Sky Blue Sky, but it's telling that I never get the urge to listen to either of those albums.
  7. I definitely agree. I'm more excited about this than I probably should be.
  8. I doubt I'll pick this up, since I didn't like either of the first two. Someone mentioned it earlier in the thread (I'm too lazy to sift back through), but it definitely seems like he needs DBT and DBT needs him (although I haven't heard Go-Go Boots yet).
  9. And the Super Bowl descends upon my fair town. Right before we're about to get hit with a record cold spell. At least the weekend should be pretty nice.
  10. I hope you're right. It's hard to believe that it has nearly been seven years since I was blown away by a Wilco album.
  11. I don't get why he misspells "American."
  12. I think The Beatles, Spoon, and Neko Case are the only ones to really fit the "all great albums" requirement for me.
  13. I still don't understand this. Unless it's something totally abhorrent, what difference does it make? I guess it depends on the magnitude of how "strongly" you disagree with something.
  14. In the Reins is probably my favorite Iron & Wine release. I'm looking forward to this one. It got a great review in Texas Monthly. He lives in Dripping Springs, a small town west of Austin.
  15. I'm addicted to Rhapsody. Ten dollars a month to listen to virtually anything I want at any time. And they have have an iPhone/iPod and Android apps that lets you download anything to your iPod or phone. It's definitely saving me money.
  16. I might have to start with that one then. That's probably the one I'm most looking forward to reading anyway (although it's close).
  17. These are the four books I got for Christmas. Not sure which one I want to start with yet.
  18. We tried to put forth the effort. We asked them for suggestions for themselves, we asked them for suggestions on their spouse, we asked the family that might know them better, and they finally just told us to get them gift cards to those places. Kind of takes away the joy of gift-giving when you're essentially told by the person what to get them. I don't mind giving gift cards, but I usually don't have to.
  19. I don't like giving gift cards either. But I didn't have a choice this year. We draw names on my wife's side of the family and we got her stepsister and husband. Since we never really see them, we asked for suggestions or things they might like. The rest of the family had no idea and then they asked for a Target gift card and an iTunes gift card, respectively. It also kind of sucks to get a gift card, although I don't mind it as much. But I'm really easy to buy for and all it would take is a call to my wife if you're really stuck. It just shows lack of effort.
  20. That reminds me of mine. When I was in the fifth grade, we had a class Christmas party. Everybody brought a gift (like you, I can't remember what I brought), and for the gift exchange we sat around in a circle and passed around one gift at a time while music was playing. When the music stopped, the kid holding that gift opened it. My best friend at the time told me what he had brought as his gift -- a Snoopy soap-on-a-rope. I knew what the gift looked like and was determined to not be stuck with that one. His gift hit the circle and I kept a close eye on it the whole time, but my inter
  21. I missed out on Larry Sanders, but I did get the Lost box set. Also, a Harmony One universal remote. And two skinny pitchers from the Container Store that are less than 3 inches wide and take up very little space in the fridge.
  22. I like High Violet more than Boxer....probably my number one this year, too. Looking at all the lists that are out there, I can't remember a more seemingly unanimous number one the way Kanye's album has been this year.
  23. Lowe's has always been good about being helpful, but I do have to hand it to Home Depot...they have actually stepped up their game in this department. I am usually asked if I need help shortly after entering the store. Of course, maybe I just look like I need a lot of help in a store like that, which I do.
  24. So rich people shouldn't be marketed to? That seems illogical.
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