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Everything posted by kidsmoke

  1. Impressive! Thanks for your work.
  2. The various music publications out there have begun to appraise Wilco's latest, and it all has me proud and brimming with joy & anticipation. This band just keeps reexamining itself and discovering whole new dimensions they want to explore. And then they do it and are brilliant again, in Wilco mode. Sounding like no one else, the band's personality shines through. It's always intriguing to me, how music hits people, and why. The reviews may be attitudinally all over the map, (that's ok; we're all individuals!) but it sounds already as if this album is really connecting to people both
  3. Happy birthday, and thank you for a wonderful, detailed review. I'm dying to read that book! ❤
  4. You do such excellent housekeeping! I'd like to treat you to a new set of dustcloths and a spiffy new vacuum. Thank you, our trusty reporter!
  5. Have a blast Carol! I wish I could be with you!
  6. Paul, DAMN do you write a compelling review! I was there, reading this. Thank you for all the small details that make it real in our minds. At least I'm not slathered in sweat. What a great show.
  7. Thanks for the reminder, I've meant to listen to them but (like so many!) haven't quite gotten to. Where to begin?
  8. I actually said this to my husband when I heard the news. Robbie gave us a lot of gifts in his lifetime. Sharing his own gifts. Rest in peace.
  9. I hope they've revived The Raccoonists.
  10. How was Angel Olsen? I have a chance to see her soon. What a great lineup! Both days.
  11. I admired his songwriting. Rest in peace, Randy.
  12. This is great stuff!
  13. I miss talking about politics here, even when there were opposing views. It's too important a subject, especially lately. How are you feeling? Personally I can't wait for trump to be kicked to any available curb, along with his sick, disturbed friends and cohorts. It can't happen soon enough. I'm so exhausted by....this.
  14. EDIT: THESE TICKETS HAVE BEEN CLAIMED. Anyone out there need tickets to this show on Wednesday? A friend has a family medical emergency & can't use her 4 tickets. Free to good homes! Let me know if you're interested.
  15. The proof is in the butterscotch pudding
  16. I have a box of butterscotch pudding signed by Jeff Tweedy at the end of the YHF Tour. True story!
  17. You were never obnoxious, TCP! Thanks for being here with us!
  18. Your reviews are always a great read, Bbop, but I think taming Tatlock's cowlick is probably hopeless. Just make him button his shirt up.
  19. I'm glad you're breathing easier! I hope that means the Canadian fires are beginning to be brought under control. The world has GOT to realize that climate change dangers don't recognize political borders. We're all in this danger together.
  20. Ok, it worked perfectly on my PC. Thanks! And yes, didn't The Jetsons promise us all our own android? Where's my housecleaning Rosie and my damned flying car?
  21. And everywhere else! Sending love and a big gust of fresh air to everyone choking and gasping in the northeast of the country. I hope you are all managing to stay indoors and avoid the worst effects of the smoke. What an ugly, scary situation.
  22. Hovering how? I'm at this & even basically know where my seat is, but all I can seem to see is the view from what I believe to be my seat. Explain it to me like I'm 5. Are you looking on a PC or iphone? I have an android and I see no seat numbers.
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