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ms. yvon

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Everything posted by ms. yvon

  1. mine died last night. feeling like i dodged one too, b! last night after a bowl of vermicelli noodles at the pho place i felt completely restored!
  2. v-dub, if you posted a thread a couple of days before a show in a roll-call fashion, you would def. see some people showing up with instruments. you might have to be the first one to bust out your guitar. break the ice, don'tchewknow. the first person near the players to bust out a hackey-sack gets rolled, though. for the record: i am not a musician. i have been known to sing loudly and off-key.
  3. i've had good luck buying odd sized frames at aaron bros. they usually have pre-cut mattes in them to show multiple photos in one frame. i take the matte out. then i buy a sheet of matte board, mount my poster on top using acid-free tape and call it a day. aaron bros. often has buy one get one for a penny sales. full disclosure: i have at least 5 posters framed and in a stack leaning on my couch.
  4. man! he is playing here on thursday but i've been planning to see another show that night. hmmmmm. thanks for the setlist!
  5. roadside antique shops are often a place to get swell souveniers. last summer i brought home a glass mug from indiana that was a prom favor from 1974. the prom theme: stairway to heaven. oh yes. there is a book series called "off the beaten path." if you know you'll be driving thru a particular state, leaf through a book on it. you might find some cool suprises. unexpected gems i've visited while road tripping: nebraska's baseball hall of fame museum in st. paul ne, a sod house exhibit in minnesota, and the spam museum. oh! kentucky is known for having a crazy number of caves
  6. check the towns along your route to see who might have a minor league baseball team. seeing a game in a small ballpark is great fun. minor league baseball!
  7. also: looks like i have a job starting in april! woo!
  8. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ISADORAH!! glad you got to spend it with those wilco guys!
  9. i love the sets that are getting played! airline -> theologians sounds like a terrific pairing. i got a call tonight during "always in love." man oh man, it was good to be there, if only over the phone.
  10. wonderful wonderful news, eric! congratulations and welcome home to baby beltmann and mom! that pic was only 4 days after delivery. he is a big baby!
  11. crap. sorry charleston peeps. what a disappointment.
  12. sounds like a few of you got really hammered. oof. *giant bowl of virtual chicken/non-chicken soup* to you all! i've got a little something that's been simmering since last sunday, but have been lucky that it hasn't blossomed into something crappy. today i'm sounding a little like margo kidder. slept 2 hours on the couch am not fantisizing about a cappuccino. may have to go out. alison: taking a spill on ice when trying to get medication: unfuckingfair! grr.
  13. they took a crack at it a couple years ago, but it didn't work out. jeff did release the "sunken treasure" dvd last year, so they may still decide to give it another go as a band. and re: taping it yourself: alison is right: wilco doesn't allow video taping of their shows. flat out.
  14. 05-20 Los Angeles, CA - Echoplex outstanding!! thanks, sureshot. i've been wondering where he's been keeping himself.
  15. 'sno angel is terrific! also love giant sand's chore of enchantment. if you hear of any tour info, post it here. he's elusive, that howe.
  16. VWC, glad to see your smiling virtual face 'round these parts!
  17. not really. he catches some vertical air when he's moved to do so. perfect time to add: he was going for broke all week!
  18. i can tell which day it is by which t-shirt johnny is wearing. i do love that you can see all the coats piled on the rail. sign o'the times. thanks, charles!
  19. smart! you could have it delivered. mart, hope you are feeling better soon! sounds like you got hit pretty hard. to echo pookie: fluids!!
  20. still. that he is stepping down from being the figurehead of the country is noteworthy.
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