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Sweet Papa Crimbo

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Everything posted by Sweet Papa Crimbo

  1. What differentiates you from a general run of the mill troll here? Posting on a Palin facebook page seeking a response? Dude, go outside and get some sun?
  2. These two paragraphs from the Salon piece sum things up rather nicely, in my opinion.
  3. I LOVE me some Newbury Comics (my favorite Amazon order spot)
  4. I gave in last Friday and decided to order the vinyl of W(TA). Decided to order from the Website and pick up the cool t-shirt and the tote bag...the $40.00 package. Early last week my wife Downtown, not making the connection with KUNGFU Nation and Wilco, noticed a seemingly out of order charge on our charge/debit card. She asked everyone in the house if we had ordered or purchased any Chinese food on Friday. Of course, everybody indicated that there were no purchases of Chinese food in the Crow Daddy family. After all,Downtown assumed KUNGFU Nation must be associated with Chinese food or som
  5. While there are songs on SBS that are among my favorite Wilco moments (Side with Seeds, Impossible Germany), I REALLY like W(ta). The only misstep in so glorious that it works: Bull Black Nova is so out there in the context of the record that it makes the record shine me)
  6. I had a game account hacked a couple of hours after ordering the vinyl/tshirt/tote package. Coincidence? Maybe. But I'lll never order anything from the website again.
  7. Unlike the photo thingie of of the bayside condos with a gal in her undies, I found this box immediately. funny
  8. Irritating and annoying, but not unusual. You ought to check out some Springsteen fan sites.
  9. I, for one, can only wonder at the hell that his life had become. He hated himself so much, he basically had his face removed. I pass no judgement for his failings, he is beyond anybody's censure, no matter how appropriate.
  10. This news of the cause of death has hit me in two very different ways. The cynical, jaded, judgemental part of me says "another junkie rock star who played russian roulette with fate and lost"..I don't like that Crow. My better angel side wonders at the tragic turn his life took. Not knowing Jay, I can only guess at the pain that became his constant companion and wonder if this pain may have exacerbated the personality quirks that led to his dismissal from Wilco. I hate that he died so young and in pain. I hate that he was unable to stay a member of the band that has been consuming my at
  11. We leave...we're taking our oil and natural gas reserves with us.
  12. Defiant Tehran protesters battle police TEHRAN, Iran – Thousands of protesters defied Iran's highest authority Saturday and marched on waiting security forces that fought back with baton charges, tear gas and water cannons as the crisis over disputed elections lurched into volatile new ground. In a separate incident, a state-run television channel reported that a suicide bombing at the shrine of the Islamic Revolution leader Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini killed at least two people and wounded eight. The report could be not independently evaluated due to government restrictions on journalists
  13. Goddamn...things just seem to always go wrong with a US president's response to a fast breaking world crisis. After 8 years of a president who flew off the handle we now have a president who responds to extraordinary events with 'measured responses'. Hope the Iranian people taking it to the streets find solace in tweets from the American people, because our offical response leaves a bit to be desired. We don't want blood running in the streets; nobody does. But a harsh response and reaction is coming. Iran in 2009 could be Berlin in 1989 or Hungary in 1956. And it looks like the tanks will
  14. Honest to God. 1995 in a Best Buy in Arlington Texas I also had a cool RECORD store guy turn me on to My Morning Jacket when I was buying several Neil Young cds.
  15. ...I think I am going to shoot myself. You know, they sure do you a, an and the a lot in their songs. They are ripping of the English language to boot.
  16. I distinctly remember the Iranian students I knew in college and the effect the Revolution had on these normally congenial, friendly people. The revolution blew these students apart with heavy conflict between them. Thirty years into the Revolution, things are ripe for a change. The islamic fundamentalist regime will either have to adapt or suffer the fate of the shah. With some familial ties to the area, I avow strongly that a FREE, STABLE Iran is the most important ingredient for peace in the middle east.
  17. Jeff looks pretty cool with the long hair.
  18. I had the exact same reaction. As I was writing my review, I was afraid my gushing at what I was hearing would somehow destroy my credibility in my review. It is a great record. With some cleanup in the production (vox mix, instrument levels)...who knows? I think it is very sophisticated record with a great guitar sound and powerful musical soundscape and definitley worthy of a widespread release.
  19. Not being at all familiar with what a First Certificate is, I can only offer general Crow Vibe power vibes.
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