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Sweet Papa Crimbo

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Everything posted by Sweet Papa Crimbo

  1. I just had an epiphany. It all revolves around Hurley. The numbers are his constant.
  2. That tells me everything I need to know about the Academy...a bunch of asshats.
  3. The debate is really silly. If you told (professional) athelets the fellating a donkey would add 25% to their performance on the field/court, we would have a lot of smiling donkeys out there.
  4. Absolutely disgraceful that he didn't get a best actor and best director nod. The Wrestler...guess the academy feels that rockstars detract from the august proceedings...Eddie Vedder got dissed last year, Bruce this year.
  5. I have a much greater problem with the 70's generation of baseball players who coked themselves up and had their play suffer. Steroids were used to enhance better play. Steroids won't make you suddenly be able to hit that slider or curveball, but it will help a player in their training. We can get all high and mighty about it, but the players using steroids were looking to enhance their game. The coke heads from the 70's and 80's (i.e. DAVE PARKER, et al) were hurting the game with diminished physical capacity.
  6. I've got one thing to say...HOLY CRAP. "Libby says hi". Holy Crap. Sayeed...damn.
  7. This is not a monarchy. Presidents govern...they do not rule. Even messiah presidents.
  8. First thoughts: Yet another distraction Posted: Wednesday, January 14, 2009 9:15 AM by Mark Murray MSNBC From Chuck Todd, Mark Murray, Domenico Montanaro, and Carrie Dann *** Yet another distraction: Despite having one of the smoothest and fastest transitions in recent American history, the news that Treasury Secretary nominee Tim Geithner failed to pay tens of thousands of dollars in taxes (which were later repaid) and had a housekeeper problem has become the latest in a series of distractions for Obama and his team. First came the Blagojevich mess. That later spawned the Burris headache. T
  9. Dark weekends in the sun out on Chelsea Road Descending the stairs, Frankie, my one Check your makeup in the mirror c'mon babe let's go We'll dance 'round this dirty town 'til the night is all done Let all the finer things sleep alone tonight Let all the minor kings lose their thrones tonight Don't worry about us, baby, we'll be alright Well everybody's dying, this town's closing down They're all sittin' down at the courthouse waiting for 'em to take the flag down I see strange flashes in the sky up above Gonna spend the night at the drive-in with the one that I love At dusk the stars all ap
  10. "Who is number one?" "You are number 6(,) I am number two" I was always tickled that the key to the series was a misplaced comma...brilliant
  11. And only 30 days until the Rangers are eliminated.
  12. I find that the music that changed my life is generally music from my formative years. These records set the template for what I expect music to mean to me. There have been a lot of records that I love(d), but these touched me Born to Run --- It is has been said (and not ironically) that Bruce saved rock and roll in 1975. Hyperbolic to be sure, but the effect that this record had cannot be overstated. From the opening harmonica glissanod and piano of Thunder Road to the operatic epic of Jungleland, this record was a primal, visceral rock statement. Desperate characters looking for redemptio
  13. Now the Giants fans have an inkling of what the Cowboy's fans went through last year. Number one seed, home field advantage throught the playoffs...bounced unceremoniously in the first round. Star Quarterback failing. At least you guys have a ring from last year.
  14. It leaked? Uh...could somebody hook a brutha up with a link?
  15. This reminds me of a possibly apocryphal story of something Bob Dylan said to John Lennon on their first meeting: "I can do what you do, but you can't do what I do." Could you imagine Thom Yorke singing "Passenger Side" and have it come off as well as Jeff doing Fake Plastic Trees did?
  16. Revolution --- The Beatles. Let's you know where it's going. John slamming and screaming Thunder Road --- Bruce Springsteen. The Harmonica and Piano set a mood. Damn but if you can't actually see that screen door and the teenage goddess named Mary. Tangled up in Blue --- The way the guitars chime is...well...fucking sublime
  17. Jeb is competent as is Andrew Cuomo. Lucky sperm should not be held against somebody, you just shouldn't worship it.
  18. Just because one is a winner in the lucky sperm club doesn't mean they are deserving of political office. I would have thought W proved that rule.
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