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Everything posted by NightOfJoy

  1. Mercedes Benz by Janis? I know, no guitar, but it does feature a single voice.
  2. Me too. I figured I was cursed. I guess not. Bravo!
  3. "Step Brothers" on Friday nite. We laughed occasionly.
  4. I have both of those Pac Man and Galaga games in my garage.
  5. One of my old roommates, a guy from Romania who swam the Danube river to escape the Iron Curtain, told me that his village kicked all the gypsies out and burned their homes because a village girl got mistakenly run over by a local gypsy. Crazy stuff...
  6. I read a book about European gypsies called "Bury Me Standing Up" many years ago that will give you a lot of insight into them.
  7. If thats the case, you should definitely go.
  8. Your experience was not an isolated incident. The internets is abuzz with displeasure right now. I'm sorta shocked that MSG sold out....
  9. I declined. The only band I'd pay a hundred bucks for MUST have Jerry Garcia playing guitar.
  10. Yep, not sure if it's still there or not.
  11. I recall seeing a small company named "Wilco" on Irving Park road (nw side of Chicago) and always hoped Jeff got the name from that.....
  12. Watched the most recent version of"Journey to the Center of the Earth" with the kids on Sat nite (which was tons of fun) and then later "Miracle Mile".
  13. I have a taste for some Cham-pipple.
  14. For some reason, I find "Joey" completely grating to my ears.
  15. Blemheim (sp??) ginger ale is fan-efing-tastic. Their ginger beer is pretty darn good too.......makes a Dark n Stormy really come alive.
  16. Thanks! I also quit the evil whites........white rice, white bread, white potato, white sugar.....along with any sort of processed foods....and added more fruits, nuts and beans to the diet. I call it the "Caveman Diet". I've lost more than 12 lbs now and wanna lose 12 more........I'm shooting for my age 23 weight. Just call me Mr. Natural.
  17. Two months ago I quit drinking Coke........as well as any thing with refined sugars in it. Heavens to Betsy, I feel about a trillion times better. I'm fairly certain refined sugars were making me insane.
  18. "Fun House" is pretty much an essential album.
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