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Everything posted by virtualreason

  1. ^^ The Riverside only holds like 2500. I think that's on the lower rung of Wilco venues, especially in a city where there's a "good" 3000-5000 capacity venue in the Rave.
  2. OK, here's the plan: only VCers buy tickets, that way, they'll move the venue to a smaller place (ie the Pabst). I think that's the best case scenario.
  3. I have no idea how I'm going to wake up before 10am for these tickets.....
  4. Boy oh boy, this man is going down in a hurry. And there is no way that ANY team will sign him when he's out of prison. I kinda get the sense that the brothers Vick have an "anything you can do, I can do better" outlook on how to fuck-up their lives. And is anyone loving how ESPN turned into a cable news network today at 3pm EDT? Or is it just me that finds that funny.
  5. My sister and I just got into Duluth after driving from Milwaukee and JUST found out. SO bummed out. And I tried googling where the make-up date is, but I can't find a site. Is it in Minneapolis or Duluth or where?
  6. A Wilco show is probably the best concert to take a child to. Being a kid at Wilco shows, and now taking my kid sister to many of them, I have full confidence that your boy will have fun. One of my best concert memories was from this past June's show in Davenport: There was a 6 year old with his dad right in the front row, and a 7 year old and a 4 year old standing, dancing on the seats behind me the entire night. As for sound, I wouldn't recommend ear plugs if you're within the first 5 rows, or a decent way back. I've seen Wilco shows from everywhere in a venue, and the best place to be for s
  7. Right when I saw this thread, I thought "Hmm. I bet there will be a TON of Radiohead mash-ups." But, that would sound like utter shit. I would take Glenn and Nels with Matt Bellamy and Flea. It is what I would call SUPERBAND!
  8. And being in that 1% is going to be fun! I'll bring the cards and chips, you all bring fat bank rolls
  9. Songs you need to hear: How to Disappear Completely, Idioteque, Paranoid Android, Street Spirit, and (my all-time favorite song) Fake Plastic Trees. That's just my shortlist, but they're Radiohead's best songs.
  10. That list needs MORE RADIOHEAD! But #13 sounds about right. Suspiciously absent from the list: MMMBop!
  11. Your roommate and I may be the same person...because we think the same thing.
  12. Is anyone else astonished at the low number of fatalities? After seeing the pictures and the number of cars involved, I'm left speechless/thankful. I've never had to make so many calls in such little time.
  13. ^^ I'll be seeing you at the head of the lines!
  14. Sue, you're going to be at the Chicago shows, right?
  15. How odd....I read your posts on two different boards tonight. But I'm glad you liked it. They are just unbelieveable live. Makes you feel all good inside. Cheers man!
  16. You have 2/3 of the greatest live Wilco transition: Poor Places>Reservations>Spiders. If I hear that again, I know I can die a happy man.
  17. Seeing those pics makes me all warm and fuzzy inside
  18. I got section 103, row U, right in the middle, right in front of the soundboard. If any taper wants to trade, let me know.
  19. They can't be because everything in the pavillion is reserved. And that happened to me too...except I got lucky (story to follow tonight) and got section 103 after having 8 tickets fall through my hands via the wonders of the internets.
  20. I had 2 section 103 tickets....BEFORE I GOT SCREWED
  22. That's my ticket that magically disappeared when I went to checkout
  23. I have two front row "circle" (first balcony) seats to the Madison show. After doing some thinking, and remembering past Wilco shows, I realize that people behind me will likely be sitting, and I, as a young, verile rocker, will be standing through the show. If there is anyone who has good orchestra section seats that wants to take it easy and longue in the front row of the closest balcony, I would be willing to trade.
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