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Everything posted by Calexico

  1. Way late but what the heck.... Four episodes into the second series, what in the name of the baby cheesus is going on with Peter in Cork? What cretin authorised this shambles? Terrible, terrible accents. Worst I have ever heard. Scenes taking place in the only bar in Ireland that has NO clientele. Security guards with guns!! Even the cops here don't carry guns. Cringeworthy and just so, so bad.
  2. you might want to remove that (see the sticky at the top of the forum.)
  3. I blame the fisting and the use of poppers.
  4. Good to see the Gooner's midfield stand up to the Rossineri. Sometimes I think teams are beaten before they even step on the pitch by thinking about the fact that they are playing Milan or Barca or Madrid. Giving the opponents too much respect. Get into them and whack 'em. Pato and Kaka didn't want to know after a while.
  5. Nice one Rich. I was online well before 9 am this morning to get tickets to see Neil in Cork in June. Sold out by 9:15 am. 5,000 tickets gone like that.
  6. Somewhere in this house, probably in the attic, I have my grandfather's old medals from the Irish war of Independence. In a box somewhere with my own navy medals. So his ones were from the late teens to the early 20's.
  7. I couldn't find a picture that said "I am nostalgic for the time I had a waistline...and no man tits".
  8. I am sure he has broken contracts before with other clubs. As for Everton, they flogged McFadden didn't they and he was an important player for them.
  9. Anelka is the type of player that does what he wants to, no matter what a manager says to him. He left every club he was with, grumbling and bitching. We made a killing on him when we flogged him to Real Madrid. Having said that, I would have him back at Goonerland in a pinch.
  10. Never deny the Mets love! I also had a Jets hat but I didn't wear that indoors.
  11. A couple of listens in and only some of it is doing it for me while the rest just passes me by. In fairness, that happens a lot to me with this band.
  12. There to forever float with my SNL collection dvds.
  13. You have A List too? Mine never seems to get any smaller no matter how much I buy. Shame to go at that age, it is really no age at all when you look around at people like The Stones and even the B-52s are nearly 60 for feck's sake!
  14. That eels thing is pretty cool for a doc about science! He comes across as a kind of lonely, obsessed guy...a lot like his dad I thought even though he didn't seem to see it himself.
  15. I was given a three dvd best of SNL. I watched them once and then threw them in the ocean.
  16. Paul Weller is just my hero. I am off to see him in July and cannot wait.
  17. Now, that is a great movie. Unheralded and almost passed me by but I am glad I caught it. I just watched A Charlie Brown Christmas last night, out of season I know but you gotta love the Peanuts gang.
  18. That would be sweet indeed. That club has fucked itself over so many time, they deserve to be relegated for just screwing over the fanbase so much.
  19. Derby are definitely fucked and so are Fulham I think....then the third spot is a free for all.
  20. Nobody went with fur pie. Guess that leaves more for me!
  21. Who barfed first? A-Man is scarily oblique.
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