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Mrs. Peel

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Everything posted by Mrs. Peel

  1. I'm shocked no one has chimed in to say they have a Prius.
  2. Sean, what records are you getting rid of? P.S. I've been on a Descendents bender lately, so I'll take those two records off your hands. You're welcome. Oh, and my advice is to say "NO EARLYBIRDS" in your ads. People will show up 2 hours early as you're dragging your first box out to the yard.
  3. In CA, they're not planning on ever issuing any more of those stickers. Not sure about other states. I've been thinking about the whole carbon footprint argument. I'm by no means an expert, even after reading as much as I can find on the hybrid subject. But the numbers just don't make sense to me. In the Wired article I mentioned, it states "Making a Prius consumes 113 million BTUs, according to sustainability engineer Pablo P
  4. Here's a clear case of apples and oranges in the carbon footprint debate: http://www.wired.com/science/planetearth/m...sies_09usedcars So basically, even though making a traditional type car uses less CO2, the hybrid quickly closes the gap, but they're too expensive so I should buy an early 90s Festiva with no power steering that crumples like a tin can in an accident.
  5. Well, as far as the "small car" comment, I've been in a Prius and was amazed at how roomy it is on the inside while still having a small footprint. And the design of the interior makes it able to haul unbelievable things, both in weight and dimension. I've read some incredible stories about what people have hauled in their cars. So I'm not worried about that. I also haven't seen anything about an increased carbon footprint that hasn't been disputed. They may expend more petroleum in the manufacturing process but more than make up for it in its lifetime through increased efficiency. I r
  6. I'm seriously considering buying a Prius by the end of this year, or at least adding myself to the dreaded waiting list. Anyone have one and care to share their own personal pros and cons?
  7. Vibes from CT for Dean, his family, and for you and yours as well.
  8. I had always meant to see this movie. It was thoroughly depressing to be able to compare the doomed events of Vietnam that McNamara talks about in hindsight with the current state of affairs in Iraq and see that we truly haven't learned from our mistakes. That egos of a few people and human nature will always play a huge role in the events that shape our world. I also had a few teary-eyed moments while watching the Vietnam footage and thinking about my father having to experience it. And the shot of people filing past the war memorial in DC brought back a memory I didn't even know I had of
  9. Personally, I like how his head is tilted back like he's saying "Whuh? Whuh you lookin' at? Yeah, that's right. I'm dead. Who the fuck are you!?"
  10. I saw Nick Lowe a couple months ago. Do not miss this show!!!
  11. Attention, citizens of Via Chicago, We have added a new feature to our VC World Locator Map forum, namely a VC World Locator Map! Go figure! Cruise on over to the former black hole of the Short On Long Term Goals section and add your screen name and avatar to the Via Chicago Community Frappr map. And while you're there, take a look around....maybe you'll find out that some of your VC pals live closer than you think! Please add your name, regardless of whether you've previously posted your location in the thread, as those posts *cough* haven't been tallied. -Brought to you by your frie
  12. Can someone help pick me up off the floor?
  13. Rain Dogs Swordfishtrombones Mule Variations Honorable Mention: The Heart Of Saturday Night
  14. Wow, this is fantastic. Thanks for posting! I love "Basin Street Blues" credited as being by Ella Satchmo Fitzgerald. She does a great impression of Louis.
  15. I'm sad that I won't see a Happy Birthday message from Nat this year.
  16. :wub :wub :wub :wub And how long did you go before you needed a Welcome Back thread? I knew you couldn't stand to be away from here.
  17. Oh, I missed it! Happy birthday, my friend. Hopefully turning 32 will snap you out of your "extensive critiquing of jam bands I used to listen to in high school" thing you've got goin' on. Throw on some Fugazi and blow something up, damn it! ANARCHY!!!! *By the way, we're really 32? I swear to god, all day yesterday I thought I had turned 33. I guess that's what happens when you get old.
  18. Happy belated birthday, Greg! Can you see me waving?
  19. Happy birthday! Your office wardrobe cannot be complete without the accessory I'm sending you:
  20. Happy birthday, Sue! August 12th is the best birthday day.
  21. I have been MIA for several weeks, in case anyone noticed. I've had a crazy amount of work to do every day leading up to our national sales meeting that took place yesterday (on my freakin' birthday no less). Up until 5pm Monday people were still asking me to create things for their presentations they were giving Tuesday morning. It gets hectic at this time every year but this one was way worse. So I just wanted to thank my fellow mods for their patience with me, and apologize to everyone I haven't responded to in a while. There is some residual work I need to do, but it won't be as consu
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