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Everything posted by jff

  1. I think it's repetitive, too. I enjoyed her Tiny Desk Concert, so I'll keep listening and hope that it clicks. Her voice is by far the dominant sound in the mix, as it should be, I suppose. Unfortunately, her singing is completely devoid of range. Somehow, that gets amplified in a rock band context.
  2. Nels's impetus for sticking around is that 1. he likes the music and the people in the band, 2. it affords him the financial ability to pursue music projects that don't make money, 3. it affords him the down time needed in order to branch out, 4. it allows him to buy a bunch of cool as shit guitars, and live a generally comfortable lifestyle. I think at this point, if Nels leaves, it'll be because he's almost 60 and the rigors of doing a rock tour are taking a toll..
  3. So, I got my tickets the day of general onsale. I got two tickets on the front row of the balcony, and there was a third seat next to us at the end of the row. That seat was still available yesterday, so I bought it for a friend. I realize single reserved seats are harder to sell than two or more seats together, but it's baffling to me that there was still a seat on the front row of the balcony a week and a half after tickets went on sale. For a band that typically sells out significantly larger venues.
  4. I brought some friends (a married couple) to see Dungen a few years ago. The wife really liked them and said they reminded her of Van Der Graaf Generator.
  5. Well, that ruins my theory that Pat and John got wildly drunk after their last PA show and did something to get themselves banned from the state.
  6. It's a little strange how slowly tickets are selling in Atlanta. I got two seats in the front row of the balcony and I didn't buy my tickets until an hour after general on-sale started. I would have thought all the front of balcony tickets would be the first to go, since the balcony is the only reserved seating.
  7. Now that I have the vinyl version, I can listen to this album properly. The stream wasn't doing much for me sound quality-wise, so I only listened to it a couple times before it fell off my radar. I didn't even know this had been released yet. I went to the record store last Tuesday looking for the new Deerhunter album, which was not out yet, and bought Star Wars instead. This is a really good album.
  8. I'm thinking the general admission floor will make the Tabernacle shows higher energy. Also, while the Tabernacle is only slightly smaller than Cobb Energy Center, it's quite a bit smaller than the places they normally play in Atlanta (Chastain Park, Fox).
  9. Front row balcony for the second Tabernacle show in Atlanta. I've always wanted front row balcony seats.
  10. Finally, some Wilco content that doesn't include "from the ashes of Uncle Tupelo."
  11. Sure. I would never stand in anyone's way of making whatever kind of music that they like. I'm glad this kind of stuff exists for those who enjoy it. My post was more a commentary on myself than on this recording. When I was younger, I spent a lot of time listening to this type of music and trying to convince myself (and some friends who were legitimately into it) that I enjoyed it.
  12. My younger self would not have admitted this, but I get no enjoyment from this type of music. I love Nels, and I have enjoyed countless albums he plays on in a wide variety of genres, but I can't take endless skronk anymore.
  13. I read somewhere yesterday that Sanders did nothing to prepare for the debate, so there's nobody to fire.
  14. Got back from our visit to Minneapolis the other day. We had a great time. On our first day we went to lunch with a friend. Afterwards, she needed to meet up with her husband, who works at the Vikings training facility. I couldn't care less about football, but that place was pretty incredible and it was quite interesting to get a behind the scenes look at a professional sports compound. Racks of 150 lb. dumbells...I couldn't even make one of them budge using both hands. After that we went to Psycho Suzi's for tiki drinks, and then to the Lewis Black performance at the State Theater, whic
  15. Today is the day! I'm flying up to Minneapolis this evening. I've been paying attention to concert/event listings for the last couple of months. Are there any recently announced events (concerts, festivals, art exhibits, etc.) that might be flying under my radar that I should hit up?
  16. Sounds like a bar band covering Steely Dan.
  17. I'd love for EKG to be performed live by the band, rather than piped in as walk-on music. Jeff's reason for not playing it live is that it's too short, and it's not worth playing a 90 second (or whatever) song when they'd have to switch guitars right before and after due to its odd tuning. That's some weak-ass stuff from someone as smart as Jeff Tweedy. There are two simple solutions to this conundrum: 1. Extend the length of the song for live performance. 2. Write another song in the same tuning that you can play immediately before or after EKG.
  18. Maybe this will be my chance to visit Colorado for the first time and see a concert at Red Rocks.
  19. I wish I still had my Traynor YCV20 amp. I sold it (and a bunch of other stuff) a few years ago because I was moving to a smaller house. I wish I had sold my Fender Deluxe Reverb instead, The Fender Is a nicer amp, but I preferred the sound of the Traynor.
  20. I ordered that Drinks record, but it's taking forever to arrive.
  21. jff

    The Who

    Thanks! I'll look into those events and see if they tickle my fancy.
  22. jff

    The Who

    Ouch. Glad to hear Roger is on the mend. Anyone want to help me with a Plan B for October 10 in Minneapolis? We have airfare and hotels booked for that weekend.
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