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Everything posted by caliber66

  1. Did Anna Nicole confirm that she had sex with multiple partners the week of her child's conception before she died, or has this all come out since she died? I don't have any idea, since I truly could not care less about this or the Britney thing (but why am I reading this thread then? Shut up.), but the prospect of a big payoff based on the mere possibility of fatherhood could bring some pretenders out who hadn't plowed that field in some time.
  2. If I can see the IP addresses of the people downloading from (or uploading to) me in uTorrent, I imagine the RIAA can do the same, and probably has the $$ and technology to log the IPs of anyone who attempts to connect to their bait torrents. Whether/how they can use such info in court is another matter, but I'm sure if they want to capture your info, they can.
  3. Why would the fact that Jeff was experiencing a period of hightened creativity mean that none of the other members of the band would be involved in the writing process? One can be very creative and still incorporate a great deal of input from others. Also, "wah la" = "voila"
  4. That is very, very close to the name of my fantasy baseball team.
  5. The one from Oink is totally different from the version that Pat sendspaced for me.
  6. They are different songs, yes.
  7. Corduroy Cutoff Girl is a pretty kickass song.
  8. Will somebody please tell bjorn that it's inappropriate to use "effed in the a" in a pejorative sense, as there are those who find such activity pleasureable, and thus its meaning is unclear.
  9. Fucking Christ, dude. He's got an opinion and he expressed it.
  10. "A Carnival of Creamy Vanillish Ice Cream with Chocolaty Dipped Waffle Cone Pieces and Swirls of Caromel"
  11. Those waffle cone pieces are dipped in something called "chocolaty," apparently.
  12. old guy with a small dick. Thanks again, everyone.
  13. Also, the company which is recruiting Juliet is named Mittelos. That means "without middle" or "centerless" in German, and is an anagram of "lost time". Probably doesn't mean anything, but there you have it.
  14. I seriously doubt Artifex is a berserker.
  15. Fuck Stevie Ray Vaughn and all that he did. Fuck Eric Clapton and all that he did before he turned into my grandfather. Fuck any white man who dares to play the black man's music.
  16. Thanx, eveyone. Eksellent jorb as alwaze, Oblivvious. I found out today that I share a birthday with not only Peter Gabriel, but Mike Krzyzewski as well. Woo. We'll see about the later; maybe just some with dinner, but we'll see where the day takes us.
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