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OiNK closed down, admin arrested

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I really don't understand why you can't download TV shows. Network TV is free over-the-air. It can be DVRed. A lot of the network websites allow users to watch the previous week's episode(s). So why is it illegal to download the shows? Music and movies I understand, but TV?

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I really don't understand why you can't download TV shows. Network TV is free over-the-air. It can be DVRed. A lot of the network websites allow users to watch the previous week's episode(s). So why is it illegal to download the shows? Music and movies I understand, but TV?

I don't really understand it either, but it all comes back to DVD sales.

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I really don't understand why you can't download TV shows. Network TV is free over-the-air. It can be DVRed. A lot of the network websites allow users to watch the previous week's episode(s). So why is it illegal to download the shows? Music and movies I understand, but TV?

Well TV Links was nailed for its movies, I think. The name is misleading - they had everything.

Man, now I have to remove it from my favorites. -sniff-

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They can come at me all they want.


I'll invite them around to my house and tell them to bring a list of the stuff I downloaded from Oink. I'll then show them to where I keep my cds and I'll tick every single one of those things off the list as they're albums I've eventually bought anyway. And if the stuff I've downloaded is out of print and unavailable to buy at a reasonable price - I'll tell them to release the bitch and I'll pony up the cash.


Added to that will be the massive amounts of cds I buy that I don't download - and I'll tell them to get down on their knees because it's guys like me that keep them in business.


I'm wondering what they're really pissed at. Is it that people are downloading albums or that people aren't downloading the crappy albums they want people to take an interest in?

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As for potential nastiness resulting from this, I'm sort of hoping for the "safety in numbers" effect. There were SO many Oink users, and I was a bit player among that throng. If they go after people based on level of use, they'd take quite a long time to get around to me, if they ever did.


Probably fooling myself, but that's the direction my thoughts are going...

Maybe I'm fooling myself too but I'm thinking you are right and the whole "investigation continues" business is more of a scare tactic than anything. They have effectively killed this one and I suspect that the best use of their resources is to go after the next Oink rather than somebody who downloaded the Feist album (not that I'm suggesting downloading the Feist album is a bad thing, unless you..... never mind)

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They can come at me all they want.


I'll invite them around to my house and tell them to bring a list of the stuff I downloaded from Oink. I'll then show them to where I keep my cds and I'll tick every single one of those things off the list as they're albums I've eventually bought anyway. And if the stuff I've downloaded is out of print and unavailable to buy at a reasonable price - I'll tell them to release the bitch and I'll pony up the cash.


Added to that will be the massive amounts of cds I buy that I don't download - and I'll tell them to get down on their knees because it's guys like me that keep them in business.


I'm wondering what they're really pissed at. Is it that people are downloading albums or that people aren't downloading the crappy albums they want people to take an interest in?

And then they'd just sue you anyway, cause they don't give a shit.

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The horror! The horror! People might have to start paying for music! Oh the humanity! :)


Or they may have to buy all those cds that were stolen from their car, AGAIN!!!


... was what I used it for, primarily

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