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Obama Is Not a Muslim

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I'm sure most people here have received one of the chain emails claiming Obama is a Muslim or jihadist. I keep getting them, and they usually have been forwarded to me by the right-wing nutjobs in my own family. I'm fed up, and not just because I support Obama. Tonight I "replied to all" with the following:


Dear friends and family,


I have a request to make.


For many months now, a smear campaign has been waged against Barack Obama, claiming that he is Muslim, that he refuses to pledge allegiance to the US, and that he was sworn into Congress with his hand on the Koran.


None of these claims are true. All of them are demonstrably false.


There may be valid reasons to oppose Obama's candidacy for president, but his patriotism and Christian faith are beyond question. Here are three good places to start your own research into the facts:





Although the lies about Obama were thoroughly debunked last year by every major news outlet, including Fox News, they continue to make the email rounds. Why? Well, they are being spread by his opponents who believe they can prey on the fears and ignorance of gullible Americans.


As Christians, we value truth. Whether or not we agree with Obama's politics, we have a responsibility to combat the willful dissemination of lies during this election season. This brings me to my request: We have an ethical duty to NOT forward emails containing misinformation. Instead, when you receive one of these chain emails about Obama, please "reply to all" with the truth:


"Barack Obama is a committed and active Christian. He has been a member of the Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago for 20 years, where he continues to attend services with his family. Barack has never been a Muslim or practiced any other faith besides Christianity, and in January 2005 he was sworn into the U.S. Senate on his family Bible. Barack's grandfather taught him to say the Pledge of Allegiance, and he regularly leads his fellow Senators as they recite it together."





The last paragraph was lifted from Obama's website. Feel free to steal this and use it to combat the crazies in your own family.


Okay, venting over.

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It seems that for those who truly agree with a person's politics their religion should not matter as long as the two people agree. So the fact the Obama is a Christian should not have any real impact, but alas with all those crazy people involved,on both sides, religion never be removed form the public sphere of political life.

Even if Obama was a Muslim would those who truly agree with his policies not support him because an email said he was Christian?

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Even if Obama was a Muslim would those who truly agree with his policies not support him because an email said he was Christian?

I have encountered plenty of people who fear Obama not for his policies but because they (wrongly) believe he is a Muslim. These people clearly do place religion ahead of common policy.


I don't much care whether voters are concerned about a candidate's religion--that's entirely their right--but they should at least be aware of the facts.

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Nice job Eric. :thumbup


Here's a just my .02: MN Rep. Kieth Ellison is a Muslim, and he did place his hand on the Koran when being sworn in. He's also a great guy....I wish he was my congressman, not the nutcase I do have.

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Nice job Eric. :thumbup


Here's a just my .02: MN Rep. Kieth Ellison is a Muslim, and he did place his hand on the Koran when being sworn in. He's also a great guy....I wish he was my congressman, not the nutcase I do have.


and that was just for the photo op version, he didn't use the Koran in his actual swearing in.

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I don't understand America.

Welcome to the club.


What's amazing is the disconnect people display against the refuted claims of these anti Obama chain mails.

I've gotten this thing in my inbox at least three times in the last two months from both those whom wish to support Obama and are easily manipulated by it's propagandist message and those who are well established against his campaign. I've replied w/various links from established sources and STILL some of these folks either are reluctant to accept it's falsities or blatantly disregard any rebuttal based on truths.


It's amazing the degree of denial people will exhibit when a subject is in opposition to their desires.

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and that was just for the photo op version, he didn't use the Koran in his actual swearing in.

I did not know that. :punch Hey Kyle, is he your Rep.? I do like the guy, seriously.

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Not me. This is yet another instance where it's glorious to be boring.

What?! I've always felt that the only thing more intense then an episode of Lost is half an hour of CPAC.

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Well shit then, I'm joing the Pakistani church so my prez will stand with me if "the political winds shift in an ugly direction!" :nailbite

I'm confused. Are you against the U.S. president defending law-abiding American citizens against persecution from fellow citizens who act according to fear, bigotry, and lawlessness? Or perhaps you do not consider maltreatment and discrimination to be "ugly" actions in the first place?


Seems to me, if the political winds shift towards a tolerance of ignorant harassment, I'd like my president to stand up for common decency. I can't see how Obama's statement is even remotely controversial.

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Ironically enough, I was just listening to this on my way home this evening......Act One about the harassment of a muslim family, particularly their daughter, is heartbreaking and repugnant. The bigotry and hatred they suffered forced them out of their town and broke up the family. So so sad.

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I had this same conversation with a group of co-workers this week. They are convinced that Obama is a muslim terrorist. I spent 20 minutes trying to convince them that the emails were garbage.


The conversation ended with them telling me that "the muslims will consider it a victory if Obama wins". My response was "ah fook it" there's no convincing some people.

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I spent 20 minutes trying to convince them that the emails were garbage.


Dude! You don't understand! I read it online. Barack Obama stole this one guy's kidney and left him in a tub full of ice with a phone and a note that he'd better call 911 immediately.


See... call 911... 9/11... kidneys are shaped a bit like a crescent moon... coincidence? I think not.

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