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i'm not catholic and i'm not against birth control. i just want some control over when my minor children are introduced to the concept.

Well, I'd say good luck in attempting to control, given the impact of peer pressure and the media. You could try to shield her by moving to some remote area, say Alas ... k ...


Good luck.


That would be awesome
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none of her uncles are as perverted as you.


He's not a pervert - he's from Pittsburgh.


Anyhow - once one learns about the friction, that is friction besides the friction they can make with themselves, it is all over. I don't think JC, The PTA, Doris Day, The FBI, CIA, or Mom and Pop, can stop it. Teenagers do what they do right? I sure did.

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Anyhow - once one learns about the friction, that is friction besides the friction they can make with themselves, it is all over. I don't think JC, The PTA, Doris Day, The FBI, CIA, or Mom and Pop, can stop it. Teenagers do what they do right? I sure did.

i guess there's nothing to do but keep a bowl of condoms by the front door and tell her to have fun. i mean, what difference can my teaching possibly have. can i tell her not to swallow at least?

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20 pages, still not convinced Obama is the one, keep trying people!


what state do you live in?


i guess there's nothing to do but keep a bowl of condoms by the front door and tell her to have fun. i mean, what difference can my teaching possibly have. can i tell her not to swallow at least?


g-r-r-r- oss

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right, but most lefties i know don't think he should be. it's all the right wing zealots that are exacting that price.


of course, everyone realizes this. still, when my daughter comes of age, i will be teaching her to wait. and i sure as hell don't need her school advocating an opposing view by giving her condoms.

Your first statement is accurate, why is it that a BJ matters more than some of the shit that has occurred the past eight years in Washington?


My daughter is 14 (a freshman), her friends are drinking and having sex already I just have to put faith in how she was raised. Regardless of what I think or what I taught her (that she is not trust boys or girls and to be very cautious with them) she is still a teenager and has urges. If she wants to have sex she sure as hell is not going to come to me for advice, condoms or other BC. She is going to go where she can be the most anonymous. But lets try your way, oops didn

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i guess there's nothing to do but keep a bowl of condoms by the front door and tell her to have fun. i mean, what difference can my teaching possibly have. can i tell her not to swallow at least?


and you called me a pervert? :monkey

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i guess there's nothing to do but keep a bowl of condoms by the front door and tell her to have fun. i mean, what difference can my teaching possibly have. can i tell her not to swallow at least?


I hope she listens to you - seriously.


I suppose you have to know that time and place I come from, there was no talks, no sex ed, no anything. So, maybe I am a bit fouled. I also do not have any kids - that I know of anyhow. So, I suppose I am going by what I did as a teenager, what those around me did when I was a teenager, and other life experiences since that time.

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Your first statement is accurate, why is it that a BJ matters more than some of the shit that has occurred the past eight years in Washington?

it doesn't.


Regardless of what I think or what I taught her (that she is not trust boys or girls and to be very cautious with them)

sounds dangerously close to abstinence to me. or do you mean be cautious not to miss a pill and be cautious that the condom is put on correctly?


Parents such as Gov Palin will not teach their kids how to protect themselves

you have more inside information than i've heard to this point. do you have sources?

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I'm thinking of submitting my name to the Obama campaign to see if I can get a shout-out during one of his speeches for my wife and I having 4 kids and choosing not to abort any of them. Culture of Death, my ass. You conservatives ain't gonna breed me out, biatches! We're building an army, people! Woooooo!! :bounce8 :lol


To Brian in Columbus, this one's for you...



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sounds dangerously close to abstinence to me. or do you mean be cautious not to miss a pill and be cautious that the condom is put on correctly?



you have more inside information than i've heard to this point. do you have sources?


I do teach her abstinence, but I also recognize that she is human. It

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I'm thinking of submitting my name to the Obama campaign to see if I can get a shout-out during one of his speeches for my wife and I having 4 kids and choosing not to abort any of them. Culture of Death, my ass. You conservatives ain't gonna breed me out, biatches! We're building an army, people! Woooooo!! :bounce8 :lol







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I heard Scarlett Johansson will have sex with any man who votes for Obama.


If only. :wub




Of course I probably wouldn't enjoy it as I'd be too worried about Biden stealing my wallet during the encounter.

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This is ridiculous. I don't care whether Palin's daughter is preggers or anything else. I don't even really care about the seemingly shoot from the hip mentality that got her on the ticket (although that sort of leadership hasn't fared very well for the past 7.5 years). What i do care about is that McCain sold his soul to the evangelical right with this pick. It is pure Rovian tactics and that is not something I wish to see continue. To me, it's not about Palin and her personal life; it is about McCain and his willingness to put election politics above sound leadership and government.

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OK in that article Obama is called the Sentate most liberal senator. 1) that is not necessairilly a bad thing 2) who detemines that? It seems like every democrat who speaks somewhere gets labeled the most liberal. Be it Ted Kennnedy, Dennis Kucinich, heck even wild joe the rouge republicrat was labeled the most leberal. Sometimes these labels labels get applied to different people on the same day by the same speaker. WTF? I think as a scare tool this is a dead one.

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OK in that article Obama is called the Sentate most liberal senator. 1) that is not necessairilly a bad thing 2) who detemines that? It seems like every democrat who speaks somewhere gets labeled the most liberal. Be it Ted Kennnedy, Dennis Kucinich, heck even wild joe the rouge republicrat was labeled the most leberal. Sometimes these labels labels get applied to different people on the same day by the same speaker. WTF? I think as a scare tool this is a dead one.

you're right. obama should immediately start referring to himself as a proud liberal.

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OK in that article Obama is called the Sentate most liberal senator. 1) that is not necessairilly a bad thing 2) who detemines that? It seems like every democrat who speaks somewhere gets labeled the most liberal. Be it Ted Kennnedy, Dennis Kucinich, heck even wild joe the rouge republicrat was labeled the most leberal. Sometimes these labels labels get applied to different people on the same day by the same speaker. WTF? I think as a scare tool this is a dead one.

There are a couple different groups that rate politicians (well many interest groups rate them but only a couple try to do it objectively). Not worth paying any attention though really

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without any input from parents? i mean you leave a lot of variables open here. what age you start, what level of detail to go into, etc. what's balanced and reasonable to you for your kid may not be for me and mine.



That is a BS argument because I have input on ALL of my childs subjects, all of them from math to spanish, to chemistry and PE all of them. I may not determine when they start them but I recognize that my input is needed always. I have multiple degrees in different disciplines and sometimes I know better than the teachers do. I'll tell my kids to test on the way the teachers teach them, but I give them the knowledge I have.


BTW it's easy to argue against sex ed when you have not tried to talk to your kids about it. It is far easier to tell them that their grandmother has died than it is to tell them abotu the birds and the bees. Speaking to them abot sex is very difficult.

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There are a couple different groups that rate politicians (well many interest groups rate them but only a couple try to do it objectively). Not worth paying any attention though really


All I have to do is read the Obama home page to learn how liberal he is on the issues. That's enough for me to be extremely worried about an Obama presidency.

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