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Worst Member of Great Bands

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I was watching Gimme Shelter yesterday and realized the Bill Wyman sucks.


For some reason I never really thought that but then I went back and looked at many videos and concerts.


The man had zero personality and I am not sure he was better then average on the base.


Don't get me wrong, I love the stones and they have some of the best music ever and BW did play on those songs but I think he got extra lucky.

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I was watching Gimme Shelter yesterday and realized the Bill Wyman sucks.


For some reason I never really thought that but then I went back and looked at many videos and concerts.


The man had zero personality and I am not sure he was better then average on the base.


Don't get me wrong, I love the stones and they have some of the best music ever and BW did play on those songs but I think he got extra lucky.

Wyman may not have had any charisma on stage, but come on dude, saying that he sucks is kind of harsh. Plus, he was most likely saving his energy for when it really counted, if you know what I mean, nudge nudge wink wink.

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I think Wyman and Charlie Watts worked great together. Not a charismatic guy by any means, but he played well. He invented the fret-less bass, too, iirc.


If you read and believe his book, he actually helped write several songs, and did not receive credit for them.

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Wikipedia does say Wyman was the first to use a fretless electric.


You learn something new every day. For that reason alone he hardly sucks. Fretless bass has to be harder to play than regular electric fretted basses.



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Alright. I said "invented" but I guess I meant popularized/first-to-use with notoriety. Although I think he actually did make his own bass fretless in the early 60s.




I don't recall such a thing in his book - but LB found something I see. I'd rather talk about how great The Stones are, instead of adhering to the subject of yet another negative thread. LOL

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I've had this conversation with non-music playing folk like my very good friend, and he will constantly say things like this guy sucked or this band would be as good with a different bass player/drummer etc. The fact is, all the parts together make a good band, with a different lineup the music would sound different, and possibly not as interesting to your ears. For example, Bill Wyman. Just because he doesn't whale like John Entwistle, doesn't mean he's a bad bass player. Some of the best bass players I can think of barely make themselves known, and that is also the sign of a great musician, to add what is needed to a particular song without getting in the way.

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as for the worst, howsabout Nick Mason from Pink Floyd?. he's been there since day 1 and all he contributed to the music was some clocks, cash registers and then threatens us that one of these days he'll cut us up into little pieces :lol


nothing against his drumming talents though..

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The first thing that comes to mind is Sid Vicious - Sex Pistols


As easy as it is to play bass in a punk rock band, Sid definitely sucked at it.


Didn't they fire their original bass player because he washed his feet? Something like that..

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I may ruffle a few feathers here, but Garth Hudson of the Band sucked. He was a technically great player and when he played piano, came up with some great lines. However, his cheesy, out of tune synth sounds nearly ruin the entire catalog of The Band. I can't believe no one ever called him out on it. Really, just watch the Last Waltz and listen to him vomit all over Mannish Boy, Helpless, and well... pretty much everything.


Also, Patti from The E Street Band

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I may ruffle a few feathers here, but Garth Hudson of the Band sucked. He was a technically great player and when he played piano, came up with some great lines. However, his cheesy, out of tune synth sounds nearly ruin the entire catalog of The Band. I can't believe no one ever called him out on it. Really, just watch the Last Waltz and listen to him vomit all over Mannish Boy, Helpless, and well... pretty much everything.


you are Satan.

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as for the worst, howsabout Nick Mason from Pink Floyd?...and then threatens us that one of these days he'll cut us up into little pieces :lol

as soon as i read that i was in that huge swell of music! WELL DONE, FROGGIE!


also: am totally drawing a blank on the topic at hand.

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