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A talking head from Salon.com just said on MSNBC that when someone yells 'traitor' in the crowd, McCain should stop and say that Obama is a man with whom he disagrees on many things, but he is not a traitor. She also said that probably won't happen.

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A talking head from Salon.com just said on MSNBC that when someone yells 'traitor' in the crowd, McCain should stop and say that Obama is a man with whom he disagrees on many things, but he is not a traitor. She also said that probably won't happen.

right, and they could have easily released those identical statements, but followed them with something like "but we of course do not condone any threatening comments made in the direction of senator obama, and in no way condone inflammatory rhetoric which may lead to violence."


but instead, they justify it?!?


the "traitor" stuff is bad enough - but "kill him"??? a responsible campaign would at least pretend to be concerned about stuff like that and try to do something to calm things down. these guys are encouraging it. :realmad

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Absentee Ballots in NY are being sent out with Barack Osama on them. Typo is what the excuse is, even though s & b are nowhere near each other and whatever happend to proof reading?

Well, New York is a well known republican strong hold.

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I made my self stay away from the election thread all day because I had a horribly scary dream that a team of 300ft terrorist took over America and gave us 2 minutes to pack our crap and head to England or else. I was rummaging thru someones house looking for a blanket and cookies...and then, I was out of time. :ohwell


Looks like nobody here missed me. :ohwell

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I'm glad that McCain said what he did about people not being scared if Obama is president. the outrage at his statements is baffling to me. I fear for Obama's life.

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I'm glad that McCain said what he did about people not being scared if Obama is president. the outrage at his statements is baffling to me. I fear for Obama's life.



I agree, but the damage has been done. I think McCain is a bit sorry he sold himself to the devil. At one time, he was a good man. The look in his eye when he said this says a lot. I feel like he really does believe he has done wrong, allowed crap to go down, and knows he may be screwed as a result of the nonsense. Even if O loses, he walks away a good man. Not so much for M.


I fear for Obama's life as well. I really thought this country was moving forward. I'm not so sure anymore.

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Well, New York is a well known republican strong hold.

And a hotbed of typographical error too.

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Panel: Palin abused power in trooper case


Story Highlights

NEW: Report: Palin's personal ties "likely contributing factor" to commissioner's firing

State lawmakers looking into case related to governor's ex-brother-in-law

Legislative panel investigating July dismissal of public safety commissioner

Palin's allies have said investigation is Democratic-led witch hunt

ANCHORAGE, Alaska (CNN) -- Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin abused her power as Alaska's governor by trying to get her ex-brother-in-law fired from the state police, a state investigator's report concluded Friday.


"Gov. Palin knowingly permitted a situation to continue where impermissible pressure was placed on several subordinates in order to advance a personal agenda," the report states.


Public Safety Commissioner Walt Monegan's refusal to fire State Trooper Mike Wooten from the state police force was "likely a contributing factor" to Monegan's July dismissal, but Palin had the authority as governor to fire him, the report by former Anchorage prosecutor Stephen Branchflower states.


However, it states that her efforts to get Wooten fired broke a state ethics law that bars public officials from pursuing personal interest through official action.


The bipartisan Legislative Council, which commissioned the investigation after Monegan was fired, unanimously adopted the 263-page public report after a marathon executive session Friday. About 1,000 more pages of documents compiled during the inquiry will remain confidential, the council's chairman, state Sen. Kim Elton, said.


Rep. John Coghill, a Republican who criticized the handling of the investigation, said it was "well-done professionally."


But he said some of the conclusions were judgment calls by Branchflower, and recommended readers should view them with a "jaundiced eye."


Monegan said he was fired after refusing pressure to fire State Trooper Mike Wooten, who had gone through an acrimonious divorce and custody battle with Palin's sister.


Palin has repeatedly denied wrongdoing, describing Wooten as a "rogue trooper" who had threatened her family. Wooten denied the allegations.


At a campaign stop Thursday, Palin told reporters that she has "absolutely nothing to hide" in the investigation.


The governor originally agreed to cooperate with the Legislative Council inquiry, and disclosed in August that her advisers had contacted Department of Public Safety officials nearly two dozen times regarding her ex-brother-in-law.


But when she became Sen. John McCain's running mate, her advisers began painting the investigation as a weapon of Democratic partisans.


Ahead of Friday's hearing, Palin supporters wearing clown costumes and carrying balloons denounced the investigation as a "kangaroo court" and a "three-ring circus" led by supporters of Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama.


The state senator managing the investigation, Sen. Hollis French, fueled those complaints with a September 2 interview in which he warned the inquiry could yield an "October Surprise" for the GOP.


But Palin's lawyers already had begun pushing for the state Personnel Board to launch its own investigation, calling it the proper legal venue for the matter.

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Oh, great. This changes EVERYTHING :rolleyes

more confirmation that she is swiss cheese.

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Thank God! McCain appears to be understanding the fever he helped create. Still, the reaction of the crowds at recent rallies were unbearable and despite today's small attempt to slow it's pace, I fear the ultimate outcome of this wave of uncertainty and anger can only lead to something bad.


.....and it wouldn't hurt if Bush stepped up and reminded everyone how we are suppose to act as human beings.

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.....and it wouldn't hurt if Bush stepped up and reminded everyone how we are suppose to act as human beings.



Like he's an expert @ being human. :realmad It would score him some points though, leave with at least one good thing under your belt other than helping Bono help Africa. I'm a real loser, I thought America was moving past all this terrorist fear, this mob mentality concerning anyone of a darker skin toned being crazy...someone to take out. I guess racism and stupidism (a word?) still exists stronger than ever. Makes me really think about what kind of message my attitude will translate to my daughter.

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Obama is leading in West Virginia, according to a recent poll.

Poll shows Obama ahead of McCain in W.Va..


The Gazette is often accused of having a liberal bias, and hiring Wilco message geeks to work in their sports department (see: mpolak21). Anyway, it's only worth five points, but symbolically after getting crushed by Hillary in the primary (remember that lady that said "we're tired of that Hussein" on The Daily Show, that's right my state) if he could pull it out it would look awfully good.


I voted absentee yesterday. I didn't feel nearly as much trepidation as I did with Kerry in 04, I simply had to vote for the guy in the best position to beat Bush. This is time around and in the primary (I was part of that 26 percent) I actually felt like I was voting "for" someone.


Is Obama going to be the "end all be all" who swoops in and fixes of all our problems? No, of course not. But it'll be a start, and that's enough for me.



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I hereby admit I spoke too soon when I said Obama was "cooked" earlier this summer. I did not foresee the depth of the economic woe the U.S. is now experiencing, and the longer it goes on, the better and better it looks for Obama. Though "better" might not be the right word - he is going to have a shitload of work to do. We might even have to bug out of Iraq just because we can't afford it anymore.

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Like he's an expert @ being human. :realmad It would score him some points though, leave with at least one good thing under your belt other than helping Bono help Africa. I'm a real loser, I thought America was moving past all this terrorist fear, this mob mentality concerning anyone of a darker skin toned being crazy...someone to take out. I guess racism and stupidism (a word?) still exists stronger than ever. Makes me really think about what kind of message my attitude will translate to my daughter.

Who said "darker skin"?

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I hereby admit I spoke too soon when I said Obama was "cooked" earlier this summer. I did not foresee the depth of the economic woe the U.S. is now experiencing, and the longer it goes on, the better and better it looks for Obama. Though "better" might not be the right word - he is going to have a shitload of work to do. We might even have to bug out of Iraq just because we can't afford it anymore.

Things change so quickly. And still can.

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