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Do you attend concerts alone?

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Hey y'all,


I go to lots of concerts and probably like too much music for my own good. I maybe attend 60 shows or so a year. Occasionally I can not find someone to join me. I would say maybe 10 shows a year I hit up solo. Weather it is because I fear my wife wouldn't like the show or sometimes it is just more convenient that way. I occasionally like going to shows solo because I don't have to worry about people enjoying the show. I remember a few times when I brought friends, wife, brother to a show and they didn't like it and it ruined the show for me....


Anyway wanted to see if there are any solo concert goers here. If there is a show I want to see and no one wants to go I usually say screw it and go.....


My next two solo show are...


Morrissey Webster Hall and

Tweedy in Beacon, NY


Sometimes going solo also affords cheap tickets. I can't tell you how many times I have gone to a solo show at MSG, Izod center and got a steal because there are always people trying to dump singles tixs...


PS. Ironically I never go to movies alone....I only did it once and hated it....

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I've gone solo to dozens of shows over the years.


The size of the venue doesn't matter -- I go to shows at the Blind Pig by myself (tiny club that holds a few hundred), and I've also been to basketball-arena and large-outdoor-amphitheatre shows by myself.


If I can't find anyone else interested in going to a particular show, that doesn't necessarily stop me.


I'm the same way with movies. The last four or five movies I saw in the theatre were solo.


I'm a raving introvert, so flying solo really doesn't bother me.

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Occasionally. I'd rather go alone than go with someone who doesn't care about the music, just for the sake of having company. I almost always wind up running into people I know anyway.

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I haven't gone alone too often, but I did go to the Wilco show in Charleston last summer by myself. I didn't really think anything about it but when the usher (older female) showed me to my seat, she asked if I was alone and when I said yes, she said 'wow, you're a brave lady'. Didn't really get that. I mean, it is 2009 (2008 then). Anyway, I may end up going to the Asheville show in April solo since it's another weekday out of towner. No biggie.

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I was alone on my first full Wilco gig, and totally loved it. Same with Nick Cave. I like not having to make compromises with someone else about the "when" we go, the "how long do we stay afterwards" etc., but decide it on my own.


Since I know my husband, I prefer to go with him to going on my own though. And before I knew him I had a really good friend who I also loved to go with, because we had the same opinions about the a.m. mentioned questions.

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I haven't gone alone too often, but I did go to the Wilco show in Charleston last summer by myself. I didn't really think anything about it but when the usher (older female) showed me to my seat, she asked if I was alone and when I said yes, she said 'wow, you're a brave lady'. Didn't really get that. I mean, it is 2009 (2008 then). Anyway, I may end up going to the Asheville show in April solo since it's another weekday out of towner. No biggie.



You're never really alone at a Wilco show. I'll be at the show in Asheville, I think row D.

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Last summer I took two one-week trips by myself to go to shows. I met up with some friends and made some new ones along the way, but I spent a lot of time on my own, too. I think it was one of the best experiences of my life. You get a lot out of traveling by yourself that you don't get out of traveling with others, and I think the same is true of going to shows, too. I used to miss out on things because I was too shy or afraid to go alone, but after my adventures last summer, I'm a lot less hesitant.

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You're never really alone at a Wilco show. I'll be at the show in Asheville, I think row D.

Very true. I can't remember at the moment where my seat is but I want to say Row H. I know some other VC people will be at that show as well.

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I've learned to hide the fact that I'm going to shows from one of my buddies because he'll get a ticket (doesnt matter who the band is) and then try to talk to me the entire f'n show. Doesnt matter if I ignore him, tell him to shut up, step away from him or try to ditch him altogether.......he's got an unstopable mouth.

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I pretty much always go solo. My wife doesn't like crowds or staying up late, so that pretty much rules out your average rock show. She doesn't mind that I go by myself, I don't mind going alone, she stays home with the kids so no need for a babysitter. That's what you call a win-win.


Actually, we'll be going together to the non-Spinal Tap show in DC in May, which will be the first time we've gone to a concert together in 10 years.

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I don't always bring somebody with me, but, you know, there are usually other people there.


I go to shows alone all the time.(or used to, anyway, when I went to shows a lot) Its not a big deal. Sometimes I even prefer it. I find it much easier to lose myself in the music, frankly, if I'm not worried about whether my companions are having a good time. There is, of course, the pre-show/intermission awkwardness where you have to make a choice whether to turn yourself into a social butterfly for the night and talk to anyone and everyone (this usually takes a few quickly-downed beers for me) or if you're not in the mood for that, you keep to yourself without looking like "that creepy loner guy". I'm pretty sure this is why people invented cellphones that can check sports scores. Ya gotta do something. :lol

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I go to concerts by myself 10% of the time, and not by choice. I really hate doing things like that alone, and I think a lot of that has to do with my (almost) need to share in experiences with the people I keep close. Luckily, I can usually find at least one person among my friends/family that is interested in what I'm seeing...except (until recently) Wilco shows.

My ex, bless his heart, let me drag him to three (!) Wilco concerts, not because he was a fan (...he said he "almost liked" their live act), but because he knew it would make me happy (and probably keep me from nagging him about the dishes for a few days).


Maybe I'll be able to get my sister psyched enough about Wilco that she'll want to go with me to one of the shows in MKE. Hopefully. :rolleyes

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Yes.....I do....although often I run into people NOW that I know, although I didn't use to. Thanks to VC...


Actually last night I went to see the SF Jazz Collective with a couple friends and ran into five others I didn't even know were going.



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I'd say the majority of the shows I go to, I go to alone. I probably go to 2 or 3 shows a month, more than most of my friends. I'd rather do that than try and talk them into seeing a band they might not like. I've even gone to the Coachella festival by myself. It's not too hard to strike up a conversation with folks because you know you all have at least one common interest. I even go to movies alone sometimes, if I want to catch a matinee early in the day.

I guess I don't have a problem with going solo because I like to immerse myself in the experience of seeing a band or watching a movie instead of socializing.

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