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Witty stage banter!

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Which singers have you seen have the best stage banter..can be from the past too...


My favorites include

1. Mark Sandman-Morphine

2. John Flansberg-They Might Be Giants

3. Ryan Miller-Guster

4. Morrissey..everytime he opens his mouth something wacky is coming..

5. Jeff Tweedy-He has some great zingers...

6. Mike Doughty-Soul Coughing..off the wall stuff

7. Dave Grohl-Foo Fighters

8. Springsteen-Good story teller...sometimes witty

9. Fountains of Wayne




Bands I like with not so good stage banter

Radiohead, Phish (Trey says at most 2 words to the audience a show!), Son Volt

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Some of the funniest off the cuff stage banter from Chicago connected artists:

Neko Case

Kelly Hogan (with and without Neko Case)

Jon Langford (with or without Sally Timms)

rRobbie Fulks


Funny Brits:

Billy Bragg

Robyn Hitchcock



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Some of the funniest off the cuff stage banter from Chicago connected artists:

Neko Case

Kelly Hogan (with and without Neko Case)




A Neko Case/Kelly Hogan/Carolyn Mark show from many years ago was probably the high-point in stage banter that I've witnessed.

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A Neko Case/Kelly Hogan/Carolyn Mark show from many years ago was probably the high-point in stage banter that I've witnessed.

Having seen Kelly and Neko and also Kelly and Carolyn (and I think Nora O'Connor was there) I can only imagine the interplay between the three of them.



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Some people tend to talk AT the crowd and not with them you know? Jeff Tweedy talks with the crowd. Guy Garvey from Elbow does too. I've noticed on some videos E from the EELS talks AT the crowd. He knows what he's going to say each night and just says it.

i tend to take pride in my stage banter when I play out since it's something I always remember from shows.


One of my favorite bits of banter I've been involved with was Elbow at the Paradise last September. People were hollering out songs and I said "Play Independent Women!" (their cover of the Destiny's Child song haha) Guy stopped and looked at me "do we look like an international traveling juke box? thats a great request but we're not going to play that fucking song"

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Yeah, Justin Townes Earle is probably number one for me.


Bad experience Banter - B.B. King. At first his stories were great, but after two hours of them and only playing 3 or 4 songs, it got very old.... But he's B.B. King so he can do that...

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Meat Puppets and Lyle Lovett are great.

But, for my money:

Jonathan Fucking Richman.



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I thought The National were surprisingly talkative and entertaining.


Edit: Justin Townes Earle is pretty good too, though I assume his banter is planned ahead rather than off the cuff, which makes a difference.

Yeah, Justin Townes Earle is probably number one for me.


Definitely gets it from his dad. I never saw a performer (Steve Earle) diffuse situations (drunk audience banter, etc,) better than Steve. Lot's of Steve banter is definitely planned, too, though.

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Not witty but my favourite ever:-


The Undertones


'cos with their thick Derry accents I couldn't understand a bloody word, but it was pure magic.


Reminded of that by the BBC4 Undertones doc that's just finished. Some great stuff, including the real perfect cousin Kevin. Shame Feargal dedlined to take part.




Forget your mohawks and safety pins, thats punk fashion as I remember it right there

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Bad experience Banter - B.B. King. At first his stories were great, but after two hours of them and only playing 3 or 4 songs, it got very old.... But he's B.B. King so he can do that...


I've experienced that...twice. At the second show, some people were audibly groaning during the stories, and a few even walked out.

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I second the mention of Warren Ellis.


Tim Rogers is another one.


Funny one liner from Mark Snarski (The Jackson Code) when his microphone stand was slowly drooping during a song: "Ah, that's just like a night with me in the sack."

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I second the mention of Warren Ellis.


Tim Rogers is another one.


Funny one liner from Mark Snarski (The Jackson Code) when his microphone stand was slowly drooping during a song: "Ah, that's just like a night with me in the sack."


SO agreed on Tim Rogers! I could listen to him ramble for hours. Such a natural performer, so very funny. :yes

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I haven't seen Todd Rundgren in a while, but he was usually good for some amusing talk. He is great at the savagely-witty comment. Saw him at Toad's Place in New Haven once and his drunken bitching about the quality of his $110+ haircut in the city was a bore. I remember leaving that one early, which I never do.


As for the not-so-goods, Robert Fripp has the worst stage presence of any performer I've seen. When he was quiet in the shadows and took a polite bow at the end, that was OK. During the last round of shows they plaid in NYC several years back (the last they will ever play, I'm sure), he hid behind his rack then stood behind the stage while the rest of KC took a bow. What the fuck is that?

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