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Everything posted by Lammycat

  1. After the Denver gigs a one-off at the Greek Theatre and then a 5-night run at the Warfield: http://www.phillesh.net/philzonepages/frie...8-warfield.html
  2. They still make the Rock 'em Sock em' Robots. I played just yesterday with my 5 year old.
  3. Any body ever oreder these? What a gyp!
  4. Greatest/worst marketing scheme ever: We used to huff these things. Then again, I've got photos of grandma holding me as an infant with a Lucky Strike blazing and a nice long ash millimeters from my new born face. I wonder why no one ever sues these folks when they get lung cancer.
  5. It'll pop up in another form, I'm betting.
  6. I've got a cedar chest from the early 1900s, some old clay pottery from early 1900s, and a butter churn from a little earlier. The butter churn is currently on vacation though.
  7. No shit. Bummer. I was on there for about three hours just last night.
  8. Hey Rider I totally empathize with you. I've given both SY and Radiohead (among many others) honest efforts and it just doesn't click with me either. I definitely agree that you shouldn't have to try to like a band/genre/category/style/ whatever. It's either there or it isn't. Valiant effort though, man.
  9. GD 12/31/82 w/Etta James and The Tower of Power Horns on a few tunes.
  10. Humanoid Boogie! A band from Charlottesville, VA, Indecision, does a great cover of that tune.
  11. I haven't listened to a lot of Yo La Tengo, but I really like I Am Not Afraid of You and I Will Beat Your Ass. For the most part, at least. I'm not a fan of SY, though. I've seen them live twice and have listened to a few albums and just don't see the appeal. One show was opening for Neil Young and Crazy Horse. I thought NY and Crazy Horse did the Sonic Youth noise-rock thing a lot better than Sonic Youth. Not a slam on them, they just don't work for me.
  12. Well, he was sniffing for $900,000. I think it's a decent move to appease him for this season before it starts and then deal with an extension when it's time to. It's a high figure for his years in the league but he's affordable according to the pockets of the organization. He's also a pretty good pitcher.
  13. BOS signs Papelbon to 1 yr/$775,000: http://bostonherald.com/sports/baseball/re...&position=0
  14. I never knew that. I never actually looked at it. I guess that play has been disallowed any more access to my memory banks or something.
  15. I simply adore the play Cats! and am a huge supporter of the technique known as "lamination." I just combined my two favorite passions and BLAMMO!
  16. That's great. I didn't know you wrote. Best of luck. If anything, you'll get some useful feedback, eh?
  17. Or Spanking Your Spirited Child? I'm almost done with The Things They Carried, Tim O'Brien. Very well written. I also started a book (How To Rig an Election) about a guy (auto-biographical) who my friend went to college with that spent time in federal prison for screwing up phone polls for Republican nominee elections.
  18. Lammycat


    It was okay. Then again, it was just a t.v. show.
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