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Everything posted by awatt

  1. The country really has gone to pot. Maybe there is hope....
  2. Just back from an excursion "up island" to Qualicum Beach and Tofino. Tofino is heaven on earth, a small little surfing town where everyone is pierced, tattooed, or stoned. I'm thinking of giving it all up, selling all of our possessions, and moving there so the kids can become surfers (took lessons with the rockin surfsisters) and I can become a waiter, or work in a book store.... I highly, highly, highly recommend to all here!
  3. Thank God for rbally. What a great recording. Airline to Heaven playing now... A smile on my face (don't need no smiley face to convey that fact!).
  4. Thanks for sharing. This one rocks, and wrecks me! I love Wilco, still. Can't wait to hear the new one, though am really sad I can't see any of the shows on this tour. Will be listening to the 9:30 webcast.
  5. Most played by this morning's Ipod count: Lost Love Watch Me Fall Theologians Far, Far Away Pot Kettle Black
  6. Do tell, do tell...brains eventually do turn to goo, so why worry?
  7. My wife loved the name Declan, but ultimately we went with Graham and Miles for our two boys.
  8. Once again, VC reminds me of the great pleasures of listening to cool music, even in the 1980s. For me: Springsteen, The River and Nebraska Young, Freedom U2, Unforgettable Fire and Joshua Tree Clash, Sandinista Elvis Costello, Get Happy, Trust, Almost Blue, Imperial Bedroom, King of America REM, just about all releases Roxy Music, Avalon Petty, Full Moon Fever Prince, 1999, Sign of the Times Dylan, No Mercy Just a few that come to mind, pre-AWATT....
  9. No doubt: Austin over LA, without question, unless you want to spend most of your vacation in a car, in traffic, inhaling the smog. Downside to Austin: it's in Texas, so don't bring any dildos!
  10. awatt

    First Show

    Your life will never be the same!
  11. On another note, can someone please tell me Beltmann's avatar? Kind of haunting... a silent screen star? My guess is Harold Lloyd but I'm probably wrong.
  12. Ok, now I'm back to being depressed and stressed. The world is going to hell! Thanks Scott! (Just kidding )
  13. I've got to get back to the duty free shops!
  14. For some reason, I feel very good at the moment, content and less anxious and stressed than usual. Makes me worry...
  15. Let's make it top 8. Then I will add Wherever and Wait up. To be honest, I'm surprised at the resounding vote for Gun, not one of my favorites on Still Feel Gone at all, though hearing live solo versions helped me to see its greatness.
  16. I kind of miss Beck. He's not AWATT.
  17. I have no idea where to get information, but I vote for Oregon. The coast is to die for. We stayed here on our recent road trip and I highly recommend it if you visit and want to check out ocean front property. Also check out Cannon Beach area.
  18. New Madrid No Sense in Lovin Watch Me Fall Acuff-Rose Fatal Wound Flatness
  19. I always loved this funny send up of Tom Cruise on Oprah. Also saw a comedy special with him on Comedy Central a couple of years ago that was really, really funny. His new movie looks like crap, and the SNL sucked. Except for the cowbell skit, SNL has been mediocre since the early 80s, IMO.
  20. Because the Night Bruce with Bono. Very nice.
  21. I wanna live with a cinnamon girl I could be happy the rest of my life With a cinnamon girl. A dreamer of pictures I run in the night You see us together, chasing the moonlight, My cinnamon girl. Ten silver saxes, a bass with a bow The drummer relaxes and waits between shows For his cinnamon girl. A dreamer of pictures I run in the night You see us together, chasing the moonlight, My cinnamon girl. Pa sent me money now I'm gonna make it somehow I need another chance You see your baby loves to dance Yeah...yeah...yeah. Heard this one today on the radio...love it!
  22. Very sad news indeed. I hope she had a long and wonderful life--with you as a son, I'm sure she had much to be proud of!
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