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Everything posted by awatt

  1. The Song Remains the Same is good place to start. Going to California is a personal favorite, but I'd recommend I, II, III, or IV to get you started. Stairway to Heaven rocks everytime I hear it.
  2. The recent flare-up with the Pope and Muslims just confirms what is clear in historical record: religion leads to more death and suffering in human history than healing and emancipation. Am I wrong?
  3. Thank God for duty free prices!!!!
  4. awatt

    Pieholden Suite

    What the hell does Pieholden refer to again? Just a made up name?
  5. Thanks for posting the Letterman performance. The Who, or really Pete and Roger, were not as bad as I feared. And I must say I enjoyed Pete's guitar work on this one.
  6. First Mermaid, 1, then listen to Wilco first release to last, and UT last to first, in the following order: AM---Anodyne BT---March Summerteeth---Still Feel Gone YHF----No Depression AGIB Kicking TV Don't forget Golden Smog and Loose Fur Then get your ass to a show, and you'll forget all about the former Boss (said with a lot of love from a long time fan until I discovered Mermaid and realized there's no need for Bruce or just about anyone! )
  7. Word! (to be honest, I have no idea if that's the right lingo for the moment but I've been dying to write it. )
  8. Damn, you guys are good--no, great--at this. I've been married now over 16 years and all these songs make me want to divorce just to put together the ultimate break-up mix!! (Just kidding dear--she knows I'm AWATT and sometimes checks up on me just to make sure I'm not making a complete fool of myself [she obviously needs to monitor me more closely ].)
  9. I don't know why I love this song so much. The lyrics are sparse but profoundly sad (at least to my ears--reminiscing about the kiss gets me every time); the music is so un-rock, like Costello or Beatles, or other true musical innovators, with great mood shift after vocals and into instrumental part and on to the end with that trumpet (I guess); and of course Tweedy's vocals and Beach Boyish backing vocals complete the picture. May be my favorite on Summerteeth. Pardon me if this has already been threaded and discussed, just listening now and curious if others feel the same way about th
  10. Isn't this about the time someone chimes in with "Pics?" No, really, I just love what I do, especially when other people pay and I get to be involved with stimulating initiatives. My gut tells me to be honest and forthright here, my head is saying be evasive and tell them nothing. I'm not sure I'll never find my comfort zone here in VC....
  11. This can be a very strange and scary place.... But on another note, I'm off to San Francisco tomorrow for a couple of days of business pleasure and would love to buy local VCers a drink if any of you can get down town. Now that's scary!! Just PM.
  12. A Day in the Life, of course.
  13. Did anyone here ever see the New Barbarians? In high school, a long, long time ago, my idols--even started our own club.... That was a long, long time ago.
  14. Don't have it yet but will get it on your recommendation.
  15. awatt

    New Lyrics

    I'm listening to Walken, and I think I like this as much as Box Full of Letters, or Monday, or Can't Stand It, or Heavy Metal Drummer, or even (gulp!) Spiders. I do think it's premature to predict what the new album will look like or how the songs will be arranged, but damn, this carries on the greatness, IMO!
  16. http://www.alertnet.org/thenews/newsdesk/N11186384.htm
  17. Brings tears to my eyes. Most of the Time by Dylan nails it though for good break-up music. Also, some Petty (Don't Come Around Here No More), and Quadrophenia is all-purpose for emotional turmoil. Sorry to hear the news. Good luck.
  18. I'm eating a chocolate chip cookie right now, as I type. And drinking wine. And listening to the slow version of Hummingbird, now transitioning into Walken. Thinking about opening the scotch. Apocalypse Now--an all-time favorite. But I have to confess, I also do love the early Woody films: Manhattan, Love & Death, Bananas, Sleeper.... Is it safe to post a picture of yourself here? I must admit, I am getting kick out of that thread! (probably too many issues for one post but it's that kind of night)
  19. Thanks much for this nice version. Thank you. I'm happy.
  20. Wow, what a treat, a dream come true. I've always wanted to get behind the scenes of how Exile was recorded, since it's one of the best damn rock albums ever (or used to be, since I don't really listen anymore). Thanks for this head's up.
  21. Do I want to buy it from Amazon or Wilcoworld? Does it matter?
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