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Everything posted by Kalle

  1. I'm actually quite happy about the list other than the fact that the Acorn got ripped off, they totally deserved to be on there. Sadly the one album on the list that I want to win (Plants And Animals) has no shot as there is no way they are going to pick another band from Montreal from the same label as Patrick Watson, no less. Holy Fuck doesn't have much of a shot as again, there is no way the most prestigious music award in Canada is going to go to a band called Holy Fuck. Caribou doesn't have much of a shot because of Final Fantasy two years prior. To put the Weakerthans and Stars on there
  2. It's a fantastic record and he is a super super nice guy. "White Dove" is just a great song.
  3. Agreed. "Chemtrails" is awesome.
  4. I'm excited to hear this if and when it comes out, I also figure he'll do something on the new Wilco record.
  5. Roughish draft? 1. Wilco - Yankee Hotel Foxtrot 2. Radiohead - Ok Computer 3. The Beatles - Revolver 4. Nick Drake - Pink Moon 5. Bob Dylan - John Wesley Harding 6. The Band - The Band 7. Beach Boys - Pet Sounds 8. Neil Young - On The Beach 9. The Beatles - White Album 10. George Harrison - All Things Must Pass 11. Radiohead - Kid A 12. Tom Waits - Rain Dogs 13. The Smiths - The Queen Is Dead 14. Bob Dylan - Blonde On Blonde 15. Ron Sexsmith - Retriever 16. The Arcade Fire - Funeral 17. R.E.M. record of some sort 18. The National - Boxer 19. Paul McCartney & Wings - Band On The Run 20.
  6. I was never a huge fan of Coldplay but I like this a lot more than previous albums, a nice departure.
  7. This is my favorite of theirs, to me the most solid songwriting, melodies, and damn those catchy hooks!
  8. Go Hayden, Plants and Animals and the Acorn!
  9. I'm dowwwwwn. The one on the Radiohead board is done every year and is HUGE and it's pretty cool to check out so I think this is a great idea. Who wants to bet with me that YHF is in the top 5? lol
  10. I saw the show on Sunday in Toronto. The National were spectacular, totally my favorite "young band" out there. Modest Mouse was horrendous, it's a huge mess on stage and in the mix. They could very easily just be a three piece and Issac Brock can stop his barking. R.E.M. were fantastic and exceeded my expectations, Michael Stipe is an amazing front man and Johnny Marr came out and played a song with them which was pretty good as well.
  11. Well truth be told I listened to the second one far more than the first partially just because I liked the first so much! The second one was definitely a grower for me, and those always end up as my favorite albums.
  12. Same here, I dug the second one quite a bit more than the first. This should be good though.
  13. I've been watching videos of them from this tour on Youtube and haven't been impressed. I really hated We Were Dead... so I hope they vary their setlists a bit more like they have been.
  14. That interviewer guy sucked and made (and sounds like Jeff) uncomfortable with his drug addiction comments, I don't even know how I can feel uncomfortable listening to an interview but I manage to do so lol. I wish he would've talked more about what he's listening to lately I always like to hear that from people I really like.
  15. He cancelled that Massey Hall show! It's now October 23rd I believe, disappointing but it will still be a good show.
  16. He really is I met him after two shows and he was completely down to earth, even while talking about jamming with Paul McCartney! I thought his last one (Time Being) was his best one, but really he's just scarily consistent on all albums. Also for Feist fans this album has Sexsmith's version of Brandy Alexander (he originally wrote the song as with Secret Heart which Feist also covered) completely different take with horns and the such.
  17. Well I figured I'd make a full thread for this man because he truly is a Canadian treasure and a great songwriter. You can listen to the new album here Let's talk about it!
  18. Same here. He has to be one of the most consistent songwriters of all time, good tunes every time. This makes me less mad that the Massey Hall show got postponed to October.
  19. On first listen it certainly sound better than the last two albums. The first three songs are pretty great.
  20. Yeah mine 4x10 is the exact same way. However I only use it live not for practicing so I really have no complaints about it other than it's gd heavy. Superb tone either through my Martin or my Strat, loud as hell, can't ask for much more.
  21. http://www.pitchforkmedia.com/article/news...net-chicago-mix http://www.thehoodinternet.com/ Only available for free today (May 27th). It's pretty cool I guess, not exactly up my ally but some of you will appreciate it.
  22. It's pretty great eh? I get to see them at Ottawa Bluesfest this year, I am excited!
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