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Everything posted by blindgonzo

  1. i wanna hear nothingsevergonnastandinmyway(again)!!!!!!!
  2. i'm so sorry to hear this edie. every ounce of extra love and support is headed your way.
  3. that's really wicked of you! i can't go, but i hope a deserving person gets it!
  4. no i hadn't seen this. i like Tellier's song too. radiohead definitely ripped this guy off...but i still love reckoner!
  5. i haven't heard disk 2 yet, but I'll be listening for that line!
  6. You Are My Face- Wilco Favourite Book- Stars To Build a Home- Cinematic Orchestra Ocean of Noise- Arcade Fire Reckoner- Radiohead honourable mentions: Worst Trip- Dr. Dog, Nantes- Beirut, Slide Away- Joseph Arthur, Cararacts- Andrew Bird
  7. I still can't get over Reckoner. That song gives me chills!
  9. nope. unless a certain other event is planned around the same time, which seems VERY unlikely, then it is impossible for me to come. are you going? it would be so much fun!
  10. man, i wish i could go to this!
  11. according to Danny Miller's blog, Jeff and Sue will be attending the award show.
  12. Froggie, everything will work out in the end! VIBAGE!
  13. every christmas eve after company leaves, my family watches The Grinch Who Stole Christmas. Lammy, my dad LOVES It's A Wonderful Life, and watches it every Christmas. He always blubbers at the end.
  14. i think this is the main problem with every person in the world. we don't want to do anything about things that we disagree with and then we become complacent about them. you're right. nothing will happen unless people decide to stand up for what they believe in. i do think it is possible for things to change. i guess i'm an idealist.
  15. well its true, no? the US invaded a country, the people fought back, and they're being punished? imagine the situation in reverse. if a country invaded the US, wouldn't you think that US citizens and the army would fight back? of course they would. and it is extremely sad that human rights abuses committed by America can be so easily brushed aside for the sake of "national security". Golyadkin, earlier you mentioned China's human rights abuses, yet you continue to brush aside America's abuses as 'just a part of war'. this "War on Terror" is so poorly defined that it can never end. d
  16. would you like to expand that thought at all? you obviously are not a fan of Chavez, right? any particular reason why? just wondering.
  17. just found this little animation set to Either Way. i really like it! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pDUk58AsS_o
  18. ditto. i have to wait till payday (friday) to buy stuff. but it will arrive by christmas!
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