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Twisted Acres

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Everything posted by Twisted Acres

  1. So sad because you knew it was coming. The government should have but never did provide her with better security despite the high risk to her. Such a shame. This is gonna get a lot uglier.
  2. WHOA Judy, that looks good!!! Any chance of that being in Chicago in April?
  3. Very sad news indeed. Sir Duke probably just fired his piano player up there, and dusted off the seat for Oscar.
  4. Groo's got the best advice... I picked up a Fender Hot Rod Deluxe for a little over $600 or so. I love the punch it provides, it's a workhorse and sounds consistent from gig to gig. My Tele sounds very happy coming through it.
  5. Gorgeous... enjoy! My sunburst Jaguar has a VC cousin now!
  6. Happy belated, LL-Cool-P... you are sorely missed.
  7. We'll definitely be playing while you're in nyc, T... let me know the dates.
  8. Instrumental versions of "Sleigh Ride" always captivate me, especially the version by the Boston Pops. "Merry Christmas Baby" by Otis Redding, "White Christmas" by the Drifters.
  9. Lots and lots of love to you, Donna, and to everyone in the VC community for making this the wonderful place that it is. Oh, and thanks to that band that brought us all together. A blessed Christmas. God bless us, every one.
  10. I think that mediafire removed my christmas mix for "violation of terms of usage", so here it is again thanks to rapidshare: Christmas with This Guy (Good Luck): Your Mart & Pat Christmas Card 2007 Come on Marijn, don't tease us, you GOTTA share that... Looks too grand to miss!
  11. I might as well plug a show I've got coming up... I'm very excited to have a 4-piece band together for my show at Rockwood Music Hall in NYC on Thursday, January 3, 2008, at 7pm. I'm opening for Irish singer/songwriter Michael Brunnock, an immensely talented writer who has toured extensively with The Frames. He'll be singing a song with me during my set, and I'll be singing a song with him during his set at 8pm. Hope any NY-area-based VCers might consider coming by. Martin Rivas with Craig Meyer on drums, Chris Kuffner on bass, and Eric Katerle on guitar Rockwood Music Hall Thursday January
  12. Maximum prayers and vibes to you, Edie.
  13. $11 mil/yr to Carlos Silva? Can you imagine what Bob Gibson, Tom Seaver, Steve Carlton or (gasp) Lefty Grove, Walter Johnson or Christy Mathewson would command in today's market? Does $30mil/yr almost sound conservative???
  14. I thought the Mets were a baseball team, not a boy band.
  15. agreed. mex tele, replace pots & output jack, and you've got a pretty decent instrument.
  16. Nice! The original "Big Ten-Inch Record" man! That's awesome, Kris! I'm jealous.
  17. I'll name-drop 60s soul singer Walter Jackson (what a voice), and 40s jump-blues honker Bull Moose Jackson (no relation to Walter).
  18. hee hee thanks, we just print inkjet cd stickers and stick 'em onto the discs we burn, then mail 'em in static free paper envelopes. Our covers never really make any sense; we've had "Holiday with Robot Dad", "Brownies Ate My Clementine", and "Holiday Hitchhiker" as previous titles.
  19. Christmas with This Guy. (Good Luck) :: Your Mart & Pat Christmas Card 2007, 9th in a Series Patti and I have been sending out a Christmas Card to a handful of family and friends, either as cassette or CD, since 1995 or so... tracks from fellow VCers' mixes from past years are starting to appear on the CDs we've sent out, so if you recognize a song from a mix that you've distributed here in the past, know that my family says thanks and Merry Christmas!!! edit: please be aware that the Christmas in Kilarney file is in horrible condition, but a cousin insisted that we include the track
  20. I still owe you a Ft. Worth steak. Come n get it in NYC, baby!
  21. Yeah, Lombardi's was great when I was a kid, not as much now... sad to say, y'know? And John's on Bleecker is the one for sure. I was scared to death when they were closed for a few days earlier this year. Thought they finally had enough! Turns out they didn't have a sink in a spot where they needed a sink so the Board of Health had them close until the sink was put in. Never been to DiFara's either, but gotta get there soon. Don't forget Spumoni Gardens in Bensonhurst too!!!!
  22. Denino's Pizza - Staten Island, NY (best pizza on earth) Grimaldi's Pizza - Brooklyn, NY (best brick-oven pizza on earth) Joe's Pizza - Greenwich Village, NY (best grab-a-slice-and-walk slice!) John's Pizza - Greenwich Village, NY Brothers' Pizza - Staten Island, NY I think Lombardi's in Little Italy is great, but a bit over-rated
  23. Now the Nationals will trade Milledge to the A's for Blanton. Just you watch. JUST YOU WATCH!!!!
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