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Everything posted by Magnetized

  1. So the question was who is Wilco or who is Jeff Tweedy, or do you recall? Funny, just as I was typing this question to you Wilco tweeted out the question aND answer. I think the answer was Jeff Tweedy wrote the songs Standing O and Sunloathe for the album The whole Love and the question was Who is Wilco.
  2. Somebody told me there was a clue about Wilco or Jeff Tweedy on Jeopardy tonight, but didn't catch what it was. Did anyone watch it and remember the clue?
  3. None of the other prices of things so far have seemed out of line, including the price of the festival, so I doubt this is the start of a trend, just a service whose value we are not yet familiar with. I don't think they've offered this service in the past, have they? I do agree it seems like a hell of a lot to pay for a camp set up.
  4. Oh, I think it was fully intentional. And did you note the Sylvia Plath quote? Whoever is writing these things has a wicked sense of humor.
  5. Hmm, Gary Louris just announced a May 15 date at City Winery in Chicago. I can't think of what connection there might be, but it seemed coincidental.
  6. So nice when our loved ones indulge our interests.
  7. Damn, we can't see this in the US. Seems to be restricted to the UK.
  8. Apparently I am powerless to resist.
  9. Yup, I think I'm up for another little jaunt to my second home, Chicago. I get giddy just thinking about these charity shows! I am fervently hoping that the rest of you get on the stick and make this thing a sellout, because in anticipation of this turning into a 2-night stand, I booked my flight to arrive on Thursday morning.
  10. Yep, I just tried again and it works. Hopefully you can get it across the pond.
  11. Yeah, I can't get it to play now either, but a friend told me that all these KEXP in-studio things show up on youtube eventually. I don't find it yet but will try to remember to post when it does. I don't think there was any new information per se, but it was a very nice.interview and they performed 4 songs, including the Neil Young cover Losing End. The host/interviewer, Cheryl Waters, was very friendly and knowledgeable.
  12. it certainly could be true that the timing of the announcement was strategic, and if so I don't see anything wrong with it. However, there's another big difference that makes me think this was not so preplanned, and that is that this is just a single night show rather than the 2-night stands we have grown to expect. I believe the Vic is booked already for Saturday and it may well have been that they were trying to find a 2-night opening and couldn't do so, so just decided at the last minute to go with the one available weekend night. I was happy to see Sue refer to the show as the "annual" b
  13. It'll be interesting to compare those three Florida shows. I'll bet St. Augustine will be the best of the bunch. Have you seen this video with Nels and John? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jCnlqdXAA9U Apparently there was quite the party in St. Augustine last time they were there. Maybe they'll cut loose in anticipation of an encore performance!
  14. So I've heard. I'm going to get more familiar with his work before going, but he seems very engaging and I really like what I've heard so far.
  15. I've got some exciting shows coming up, considering that I don't live in a major market: 3/28-The War on Drugs at The Norva, Norfolk 4/11-Roseanne Cash, Norfolk 5/3-Ryan Adams, nTelos Pavilion, Charlottesville 5/16-Robbie Fulks, house concert in Norfolk 5/20-Beck, nTelos Pavilion, Charlottesville 6/3-St. Vincent, The National, Richmond 6/12-Lloyd Cole, house concert in Norfolk
  16. Huh? I don't think anyone was misled. I certainly never thought the TWEEDY shows were going to be anything like the Jeff Tweedy solo benefit shows.
  17. I feel the same way about the "I feel some connection between you and me" line. I was just talking about this with a friend yesterday. It always feels like Jeff is singing that song directly to me.
  18. Things get started early evening on Friday. I'd want to be there by early afternoon at the latest to get yourself acclimated. Sunday things wrap up usually before it gets really dark. I would definitely recommend staying over Sunday night to rest up and decompress.
  19. I felt so sorry for poor Jeff last night--he was visibly ill. I was right on the rail in front of him and when he made the remark, about 2 songs in, that he had a splitting headache, I noticed that he looked pale and clammy. He did not seem able to muster up the spirit to mess with the crowd, either, despite some fool yelling idiotically between and during songs from off to the side on the front row. Ordinarily I think Jeff would have ripped this guy a new one, but instead he just left the stage after IIATTBYH and came back about 5 minutes later after throwing up. I can't imagine what it takes
  20. Ah Lotti, thank you for the smooth oil on our water troubles. You come through for us once again.
  21. TWEEDY tonight in Chicago!
  22. I don't think I've paid more than around $60 for any Wilco show, outside of special events like Red Rocks back in 2012 when I bought a special weekend package. And of course the Tweedy benefit shows at the Vic. I know that some of the upcoming shows have higher prices, but it seems to me that the specific venue and the overall cost of living in some of those cities contributes to the relatively high prices. And good lord, look at the prices really famous name bands charge, for a big ass light show and choreographed backup dancers in a stadium. Ugh.
  23. I'm working today and haven't found a spare minute to weigh in on all of this lineup talk until right now...and I find there's nothing much to say that hasn't been said by someone already. But you can count me firmly in the very satisfied category. Maybe living in a crappy town for live music makes me easier to please. Also, despite our wild prognostications over the past couple of months (MMJ! Replacements! Sleater-Kinney! Beck!) I've been secretly a little anxious that having big names like these would pull focus from Wilco and also make the festival too crowded, so I'm not disappointed. T
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