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Everything posted by Wendy

  1. Funny stuff and mercilessly there's nothing from VC here. We're a huge source of nonsense Thanks for the link.
  2. I am psyched for this - I need a ticket for something in November/December as my show calendar is pretty bare - so ... yay for David Rawlings (& Gillian too)! I saw that Bright Eyes show they mention in the article and did not expect to see David Rawlings sitting in for Mike Mogis. That was a sweet surprise!
  3. I can't wait! Thanks for the great report Trevor
  4. Dear Husband of Kissel Me Some More: He was the cutest little tot, standing on his chair in row 3 (I was in row 4 behind you and over a few seats) and I got more grins out of watching your little boy's enjoyment of the show than I probably did from watching the band ( Shocking, I know! But he was that cute! ) Man, he really took it all in, and clearly has heard a LOT of Wilco music in his life. I only saw him yawn once, and that was a long/late show. What a trooper. And how he danced and pumped his fists at the right time in the songs, but the look on his face when Misunderstood came on?
  5. I saw those people, they would have annoyed me, too. You're a trooper to have stuck it out. As for the stinky people? So that's why you were sorta standing in the aisle!
  6. Print and frame this quote. Seriously. This is a beautiful statement, Mike. Thank you for writing it. Hopefully it is not overlooked by being mixed in here amidst all the nonsense.
  7. This was a really, really fun show! Thanks to everyone above for the setlist details (ditty, I'll edit the original setlist with your corrections for the record). Favorites were Country Disappeared, Deeper Down, Bull Black Nova, One By One, I'll Fight, Hoodoo Voodoo ... oh shit, I can't stop there - the whole show was just so well done, even decent sound in the 4th row pit (although I could barely hear Pat's guitar at all on HV). But I'm so happy we made the trip. Worth it! (Plus the autumn trees are so pretty right now!) LOVED the band introductions! AND THE GONG!!! And JT to
  8. I doubt JT gives a shit if you buy booze or not. More like it's so important to her to have her video memory (which the band requests nicely you NOT do), and in the process of breaking that rule decides to break another rule, bringing in alcohol (against the rules FOR SURE) and in the process being probably a shittier "videographer" on her iPhone or whatever "imperfect medium" she owns. Jesus. This isn't that hard to justify.
  9. Miles is in the news again! This time ... at Pitchfork! http://pitchfork.com/news/36731-former-beulah-frontman-miles-kurosky-prepares-debut-solo-album/ copied here for your reading pleasure ... http://mileskurosky.com/ And I guess he has a website, nothing much there yet "until the missus learns how to build a website."
  10. You didn't really miss it just yet: Try this link: http://farmaid.vod.incitedevents.com/farmaid_videos_archive2009.php?id=17&cat=recent If that doesn't work try this: http://www.farmaid.org/site/c.qlI5IhNVJsE/b.5489901/k.9706/Watch_the_Concert.htm * then click on the red words "Click here now to watch the concert!" * then either join Farmaid or skip it by clicking on the red words "no thanks, just take me to the webcast." * then scroll down until you see the Wilco entry ... "Farm Aid 2009: Wilco"
  11. Thanks sista! I'm going to have to watch for him to return to The Ark at Ann Arbor again. Just my favorite combo (well, Joe Henry or Alejandro Escovedo at The Ark, I'm happy with both)
  12. Wendy

    UIC Night 2

    So you mean you have a ticket for a reserved seat up off the floor, and you want to leave that area and go down onto the GA floor? My guess is "no" for fire code and crowd control/safety reasons. I know any time I've been to an arena show like this (I'm thinking United Center), you cannot go down onto the floor without floor tickets, and the venue hires security people to stand at the bottom of the stairs checking your ticket stub. Now, have there ever been people to sneak by these security people? Of course. You said you have a ticket for the 19th. Floor/GA tickets are sold out,
  13. I don't know who took these photos, but I love them. Especially the part where Glen is helping map out the next tour ... looks like he is pointing dangerously close to Fort Wayne!
  14. Sunshine, it must be on continuous loop play ... I just logged in at farmaid.com and found Wilco playing Impossible Germany. So you will need to check back until you hit it right. Here's the order the bands played: The Blackwood Quartet - 1:00 Phosphorescent - 1:15 Will Dailey - 1:40 Ernie Isley & the Jam Band - 2:10 Lukas Nelson & Promise of the Real - 2:30 Ryan Bingham & the Dead Horses - 3:00 Billy Joe Shaver - 3:25 Jamey Johnson - 4:00 Gretchen Wilson - 4:25 Wilco - 5:05 - bull black nova - impossible germany - hate it here - heavy metal drummer - casino queen - hoodoo
  15. Me too. sorta. When I try to delete all of my little symbols to have NO signature line, when I "save" the changes, none of my changes happen and I get this message:
  16. Picking BBN to open served as the perfect sonic palate cleanser from the aftertaste left in your ears from Gretchen Wilson's redneck crap. It was necessary! It worked for me anyway!
  17. Like it beginning to end. I like the song "Planting Seeds" a lot. I also like the horns ... Which doesn't surprise me since I love Calexico so much.
  18. I thought everything he said was funny. Another funny thing was the Twitter crawl below the screen in which one Twitter user said "all this time I thought Wilco was British." And two people said "who is this band, I like them." As for "murdering" Hoodoo Voodoo, I blame the camera-people and/or on-the-fly video editing people for not following along too well with the playful guitar duel. Part of the time they focused on Jeff who wasn't dueling, just looking both ways and smiling at Pat and Nels. So it was awkward visually. But I don't recall Wilco botching the song. Oh well. So for
  19. "In all due respect to Gretchen Wilson, who here is NOT a redneck?" I loved that he called her out on her overdone redneck pride. She was sort of annoying, although I'm sure that redneck business is just her gimmick. Now Hoodoo Voodoo! Yay!
  20. After Impossible Germany, Jeff says: "We're Wilco. We're here for the party, too." ... and then segues into Hate It Here by saying, "Don't take this personally."
  21. I can't believe he did that, but it looks like he made it back onstage in one piece.
  22. Yes, quite a few. Hustle on over to the "After The Show" section at this link. http://forums.viachicago.org/topic/41725-roy-wilkins-auditorium-st-paul-mn-10209/
  23. Here's another one: * Jeff said once that he wrote the song "Pecan Pie" for Susan as he was walking to Schuba's. Schuba's is on the corner of Belmont and Southport. (Edited to add: Please someone correct me if I'mm remembering wrong, but I swear he has said this before. ) Can't say it better than this: http://news.medill.northwestern.edu/chicago/news.aspx?id=119935 I love Schuba's!
  24. IMO your belaboring of your disinterest in this topic is uninteresting. Tell us what does interest you about this show and maybe we'll get a nicer conversation going.
  25. I added a few ideas in the Chicago thread for things that are Wilco-specific. Head on over there (and yes! I did have Superdawg in my suggestions! ) http://forums.viachicago.org/topic/35877-going-to-chicagowhat-to-do-see-stay-etc/page__view__findpost__p__1369443 So please head on over there and let's post some more ideas but keep them in one place for future reference.
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