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Everything posted by bigshoulders

  1. Speaking from experience? Kidding, of course.
  2. I crashed an end of the year party for undergrads at Duke University back in the spring of 2003. So determined was I to be up front for this show, I suffered through a set by Better than Ezra. I recall there were many, many, ball-cap-clad frat boys that went nuts during the Ezra set, but didn't have a clue who Wilco were. I think one even asked me who they were. Once Wilco started... they seemed to disappear. Presumably to go vomit. kevin
  3. Happy Birthday to a fellow bull! k
  4. It was maybe 5-8 sec. used to segue the news stories is all. One would have to be an astute listener to pick up on it. k
  5. I'm on another forum for the Fiery Furnaces that is being absolutely pummeled by porn spam and all kinds stupid stuff that has nothing to do with the band itself. The Admins over there can't put a lid on it and it's just killing the board. I'm not an Admin, but I was hoping that perhaps you gracious people of the VC persuasion could give some simple tips or *something* that would help. here's the URL for the forum: http://fieryfurnacesforum.com/forum/ and it's powered by: http://www.phpbb.com/ Which is different, of course, from the IP.Board forum that we use here... but any thought
  6. 80 harrowing miles, round trip. Stay tuned for an obituary. I'm convinced I'm gonna die on I-40. morbidly yours, k
  7. ...and the fine fine folks that program NPR's "Morning Edition" used a snippet of "Walken" this morning.
  8. Working out vanity plate ideas based on Wilco songs while on business calls.
  9. I thought that Kenneth's line about "choosing is a sin, so I just write in the LORD's name" followed by Jack's response: "We count those as Republican" was pretty funny. I nearly peed my pants a little. Kevin
  10. Is Mr. Browning still above ground? I wonder if they're giving him any airtime, this time around?
  11. Nice photos, Leo! What a way to bring in the new year for you, eh? (You did have a birthday recently, yes?) It's good to live vicariously through your lens. kevin
  12. Max Fischer: I like your nurse's uniform, guy. Dr. Peter Flynn: These are O.R. scrubs. Max Fischer: O, R they?
  13. Happy Birthday, Leo! cheers, Kevin from NC
  14. Question of the Admins: Could this thread be pinned?
  15. Lynch, see below: This particular webstore has loads of different types of earplugs. I highly recommend the ones above. cheers, Kevin
  16. Okay, I nearly peed my pants when I saw this one.
  17. While leaving the DC metro area yesterday, I got caught up in a formidable traffic jam with all the out-of-towners leaving the District after the Cherry Blossom Fest. Anyways, a new BMW M5 with vanity plates was blasting some Sky Blue Sky for all of us in the jam. Perchance it was a member of the board? If so, pipe up!
  18. I'm pretty sure you've got your characters mixed up. Maggie was a pilot in the series. Joel was the doctor. Kevin
  19. I think my penchant for short-haired women was born from Janine Turner's character Maggie. I'm glad Wilco is making the trip up there... God knows that few bands do. I have a friend that just recently moved back to NC after being in Alaska for about 5 years after a nasty break-up with her boyfriend (my old roommate.) She's told me that she and her friends pretty much had to entertain themselves. Karaoke and alcohol were her two favorite pastimes. The closest movie theatre to where she lived in Tok was something like over 200 miles away. Kevin
  20. Thought I'd pipe up back in this thread and divulge a critical piece of information that a salesman at Sweetwater told me yesterday: Gibson has no plans continue manufacturing the GA-5. I think he said they were producing enough amps to fill out all the backorders, but were not going to continue manufacturing the amp. Good thing I went with a Fender after all. Let there be rock, Kevin
  21. Glen: "That Buford's a sly one. He already knows his A-B-Cs." cut to grimy faced kid scrawling FART on the wall Glen to H.I.: "Watch this. Hit the deck, boy!"
  22. Here you go! Pack a lunch, it's a long version. Neil Young w. REM - Ambulance Blues
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