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Everything posted by bigshoulders

  1. Here here... I can post an mp3 of Neil Young performing "Ambulance Blues" with REM if anyone is interested. It was from the 2000 1999 REM Christmas Fan Club offering. If interested, just post back here. I'm at work at the moment. cheers, Kevin
  2. Okay, then... "Turn to the RIGHT!" ("Don't forget his phone call, Ed.") I'm such a dork for the Coen Bros. dialogue. Tenderloin, that's one crazy effin' signature you got there. Where do you people find these treasures, I wonder? -kp
  3. O-man, could you elaborate as to what a BillM is? I confess, I'm brand-new to the world of "demon electricity" as they say at Asylum St. Spankers shows. I'm very happy with the stock sound coming out of this baby, but wouldn't be averse to modding it at some point in the future. Cheers, Kevin Edit: a quick-ass Google search yielded this treasure trove
  4. Thought I'd check back in with y'all and let you know how things turned out. After some real hands-on time at the local music store playing the various models, I came home with a Fender Blues Jr. NOS in tweed. I did in fact play the 5w Fender Champion 600, but it just didn't seem to have enough oomph (for lack of a suitable word) and after trying the Blues Jr. I couldn't turn back. Thanks for all your suggestions! Boy, I'm glad I didn't end up going with the GA-5. I think it would have been a bad purchase
  5. I thought that was brilliant. Whether or not their label had anything to do with the video posted above (being a cross-sell, or what have you) I'm looking forward to hearing a bona-fied rock album from R.E.M. It's been too long. Cheers, Kevin
  6. Hm... I have never heard of a 4 DVD set either. I love "The Last Waltz" and bought it when it first made a debut on DVD format. I'm pretty sure that "Caravan" is on my copy. If not, my memory sure is slipping and I'm confusing the 2 disc audio set of TLW with the DVD. Sorry, I just realized I'm no help being at work right now. On a related note, however, my iPod randomly chose to throw me "Evangeline" on the way back from Schlotzky's Deli today. I turned it up indeed! Kevin
  7. Ouch. I have to wonder though, the plexi housing has to yield a different tone, compared to wood. Kevin
  8. Thanks for the practical advice. At this juncture, my needs are very simple, and I do only need it for practice. The article I plugged in the initial post was geared towards recording with a small amp, but that's not me at this point. I will give the Champ a fightin' chance. It's not sacrilegious to plug a Gibson into a Fender is it? Just kiddin'. Kevin
  9. After playing acoustic for a few years, I've just purchased my first guitar (Gibson SG) and want to pair it with a suitable amp that I'm not going to outgrow or wish I hadn't bought in a month. After much reading and perusing not only this area of VC but various other sites on the internet, I've come to drool (just a touch) over this little guy: Gibson GA-5. Anyhow, my needs are fairly simple. I'm not gigging, and not in need of a 100w half-stack. I simply want to learn the nuances of my guitar w/o all that other stuff that accompanies modeling amps and the like. I can appreciate the simp
  10. When Obama disagreed with things said during sermons he attended, they weren't nearly as inflammatory. What, you're going to go confront your pastor over everything he says that you disagree with? Right. From his own speech he admits to hearing these sermoms. To answer your question: "No" but if my pastor was spewing that kind of venom, I certainly wouldn't have sat on my ass for 20 years listening to it. I'm not going to keep stirring this turd.
  11. I just got through telling someone I don't get involved in these kinds of threads... but here goes anyway... It seems to me that if Obama really wanted to exert change he would have had dialogs with this pastor long before now. Sitting silently in the pews and not saying anything comes across as being lazy, or cowardly
  12. Cohen is still above ground, Mike. And TOURING for that matter.Buckley's version is the one I first heard.... that stark guitar intro is chilling. Kevin
  13. No problem. I would have never found this website if it hadn't been for Maggie. Happy to help. kevin
  14. The Blue Owl straps that Tweedy had on his SG are available from this company: http://souldier.us/ (Thanks, Maggie!) They are sold out of the exact Owl Strap that Jeff uses. However, they've got some pretty sweet ones. Look under "Vintage Straps" to find the Owl Series. Kevin
  15. Were the new songs Rocking songs? I haven't heard anything off the new release. I don't even know when it drops, to be honest, but do plan on buying it just the same. A few years back they pulled out "Camera" for the Raleigh audience. It was during that "greatest hits" tour. Sounds like a great set! Cheers, Kevin
  16. Thanks, YLTFAN! This show sounds phenomenal! It took a matter of minutes to download, what with all the seeders available. cheers, kevin
  17. I felt really old when I was talking about Ultraman the other day and NO ONE knew what I was talking about. They didn't know about this fella either: Re-run and your avatar have the same expression on their faces. Accident? I think not! Kevin
  18. They actually still manufacture these, if I'm not mistaken. My little bro. had one of these "all the way back in the 70's." We were rough on toys, and that thing probably ended up in the bottom of a sandbox, but boy, I loved playing with that toy. kevin
  19. Thanks! I hope to wrap it up this evening. -kevin
  20. I am savoring the last 25 pages or so. At least that's what I'm telling myself... I'm a slow reader. Kevin
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