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Everything posted by bigshoulders

  1. I'm right there with you. I've seen them three times, and will no doubt ante up for this next tour as well. One could also argue the point that the astronomical deal that Warner Bros. showered REM wit after "Out of Time" has contributed to laziness, or some kind of complacency where they simply put out mediocre records, simply to fulfill their contractual obligations. kevin
  2. My friends have investigated hotels to stay at for the Winter Residency, and have tentatively looked at the area around Navy Pier. Is this a good area for folks traveling to the Riviera? We've considered staying at the Radisson, but if you have any other suggestions, that would be awesome. Also, are there any cool bars, restaurants, or good haunts that are close by? Stuff to do during the day? On and on and on... Basically, we're four hapless Wilco lovers that need some decent advice on accommodations. Apologies if this has been discussed prior to my asking. Any and all help greatly appr
  3. As a one-time hard-core REM devotee, I've slackened in my admiration ever since Monster. I didn't even bother buying Around the Sun. But I distinctly recall Bill had become a Sushi chef at one point. I too, wish he would climb behind the drum kit once again. cheers, b.s.
  4. I know a little bird that just got her birthday wish! kevin
  5. Are you planning on buying him running shorts for Christmas? ^_^
  6. I've enjoyed your YLT posts, and the links to the Chanukah shows. Sounds like you guys were treated to some awesome sets. After reading on the YLT blog, I'm realizing I'm in need of a fix. cheers! b.s.
  7. Me TOO! Seriously though, the pre-sale always seems to be this big stressful event... everyone take a deep breath. trying to be a voice of reason, while not panicking myself, kevin
  8. I'm not sure how the system actually works, but if the transaction isn't completed within a certain amount of time, the tickets that were "locked" by the first person attempting to purchase them are released back into the pool. In all likelihood, the VERY limited amount of tickets were locked in very very quickly. If credit transactions don't go through successfully, or if people mistype their info... those tickets would be relinquished back to the pool. As Isadorah mentioned earlier... it's a good thing they don't put the whole venue on pre-sale, like Young and Zimmy do. I have had a mi
  9. Charlotte and Charlottesville, 6/20 and 10/20. Both featured an on-stage Lilac moment, but at the latter show, I got to actually know the family while sitting up front and center waiting for the show to start. Lamrods Wife: I think I was *right* behind you at the Charlotte show. Did your hubby yell out "Macromaniac!" ? Also got to meet Isadorah and Hummingbird briefly after the show. It's always good to meet the people on this board. I must confess, I haven't met a Wilco fan I didn't like. Here's to more VC moments in 2008! cheers, b.s.
  10. Yup. And you really should keep your cash in a wallet like everyone else, mister. (^_^) cheers, b.s.
  11. True Story: During a retail stint in the late 1990's I worked at the local Camelot Music in Randolph Mall. A customer came in during the holidays. Male, late 30's, early 40's. None of my female co-workers wanted to wait on him, and they nearly begged me to do so, which I did. As I recall, "Home Alone 2" was showing @ the movies. The customer had picked out the original "Home Alone" on VHS, and made small talk about the plot of the movie when he approached the register. He had a really odd preoccupation with the idea of a young boy being home alone at Christmas, and I saw a strange gleam i
  12. Sometimes I wish I lived in Chicago, too. If only for moments like this. cheers, b.s.
  13. Happy Thanksgiving! I love you all individually, and as a group. cheers, b.s.
  14. I hadn't even noticed she had arms until you mentioned that. j/k. It's a bit of optical trickery, b/c the window light is "blowing out" all the values around her wrist... which in turn makes the wrist appear very small and her hand much larger. cheers, b.s. NW: could we have a "first husband" and a "first lady" at the same time??
  15. I nearly spit up when I read that!great find. thanks for the laugh! b.s.
  16. "Once in Germany, someone said 'Nein!'"
  17. I'd go with the "In a Future Age" quote. Very fitting, especially if you flash-forward 5, 10, 15 years and start thumbing your way through your old yearbooks. It'll mean even more, then. cheers, future BigShoulders.
  18. I have only downloaded one, the source from cbd, available here and it's all I need.
  19. Any chance you have this recording and want to trade? I haven't checked all the torrent sites (@ work at the moment) but something tells me that this probably won't be an active torrent, given the age. Shoot me a PM if interested. (goes for anyone that has this show, btw) cheers, b.s. Now Wondering (NW): if the sound board guy in the anecdote above wanted green as in money, or green as in shrubbery.
  20. Thanks! I was rocking out to your very recording of that show this morning... it's a great boot for the car! The levels are appropriate, & the crowd (at least prior to the encores, which I haven't heard in the car yet) wasn't overpowering in between the tracks. Some boots are nearly impossible to play in the car if you care about your hearing... but this one is definitely one to travel with. Thanks again for all your efforts! kevin
  21. I would like to have been at the Bridge School Benefit and seen Tom Waits set with the Kronos Quartet. The live version of "Way Down in the Hole" from Healing the Divide is amazing. On the subject of Glenn Kotche, does anyone else remember all the additional percussion instruments he would play, in addition to the drum kit? I well recall being absolutely mesmerized while watching him play all kinds of instruments at the 9:30 Club shows back in 2002. I couldn't dare name them all, but he was adding layer upon layer of percussion that was incredible to see and hear. I was in the balcony both
  22. Hi cbd. I was curious to know if all of these mics were all part of the same source, of if other tapers "piggybacked" your mic stand. A mighty big thank you, too, for taking the time to tape, track, and distribute this show. It was awesome to relive it! cheers, b.s.
  23. I saw them back in the spring of '07 at the Cat's Cradle, in Carrboro. Blown away. They put on a phenomenal show! kevin
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