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Everything posted by myboyblue

  1. I think that the Bulls will pull it off. If they don't, D Rose stuffing Pierce and then saving the ball from going out of bounds, between his legs, will have to suffice as their highlight for 2008/09 season. Unreal.
  2. I believe that he was drinking Jack at the Chicago show. I consider Jameson and Jack to be on the same level, no? Side note, I do believe that Ben is outgrowing his band though. I think the solo album is the single best thing that he has been associated with. Further, I couldn't imagine what his music would sound like if you plugged in some really talented musicians around him. Oh, and I'll echo the sentiments regarding the bassist. He came off as a giant knob.
  3. Saw Isbell and Earle yesterday in Chicago. Unreal show. Earle's voice is just incredible. Jason & 400 unit were very solid.
  4. ooh... forgot this was coming out. Grabbing this!
  5. I'm no holocaust expert but I don't recall any of the victims having that sort of girth.
  6. dag, just about to post that. Big fan of that song. Also, not sure if it is a 'pop-rock' suite but I've always been partial to Pretty Girl from Chile on Emotionalism (Avett Brothers). Definitely has multiple distinct parts.
  7. I'm not sure of the content but I, for one, am fucking outraged.
  8. awesome. you should start a thread.
  9. I didn't realize that this was coming out today. Good news. However, I believe that there are trains in Chicago.
  10. Great stuff. Surprised the White Sox never used him in that capacity. In other news, looks like the Yankees have difficulties with baseball fundamentals. Call a guy off if you got it, right?
  11. I'm glad someone finally stepped up and said something. Yes, I feel it too. The world is definitely different in a very vague way that only people that are high can recognize.
  12. The Map Room is great and should have all of the great beer you should ever need.
  13. I agree with this entirely. It wasn't this popular a few years ago.
  14. I agree with this completely...unless you are talking about the gays!! Or people that find it appropriate to purchase beer on Sunday. Otherwise, dead on.
  15. ooooh., i'd love to see your famous "most overrated album of all time" list!
  16. oh, ok. I just wanted to make sure it wasn't partisan politics getting in the way of facts. This may be hard for you to believe, but some people tend to toe party lines when it comes to what they do and don't support. I call it 'monkeyism'.
  17. Where was your outrage when Bush was drumming the country into the ground? Did I miss that?
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