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Everything posted by fatheadfred

  1. I love Wilco,,,, I hate Kansas....blaaahhhhhhhhhhh iccccccccccck yeah, StL here we come Oh, yeah, 'cool guy w/ 1 earring'...you CAN dance if you want to, you can leave your world behind... Got to meet the dudes again. Awesome. Misunderstood and Theologians were spectacular.
  2. When do doors open for everyone? 7?
  3. The Doors are gonna be there? cool. I thought it was outside? Opening band, I believe, prolly starts at 8. I would assume you can get into bars aligning the street throughout the show? or what. I guess, I am asking, why would you lock in at 6, w/ no way to wet your whistle? Rain, at this point, is 40% and after midnight.
  4. I sent an email to musictoday and they are shipping mine today (5-7)
  5. nay a one here meself
  6. mmmm.....elitist? I would imagine that Wilco likes to see some different folks and places. There is a different energy in a place that is virgin territory. Music for all, not just Austin. damn. When I look at some of the venues they are playing, like Montana, Alaska, I would love to see them in a place like that. A different spirit is at all Wilco shows mainly due to the people they are playing for. That shit is special.
  7. Wilco is too old to be 'big'...so are the Old 97's. Face it, the good bands aren't going to get 'big' because the majority of the U.S.'s music listeners are stoopid-see American Idol, Miley Cyrus, insert other 2 year phenom here.
  8. Yeah, no shit. That's what I thought the discussion would center on. Not the normal pist off presale crap. But, funny thing, as I was typing this I received the Wilco HQ email. I heard their next album was going to be more like glam metal due the success of Brett Michaels' Rock of Love.
  9. I hope there will be no rockchalk chants during the show, thank you. Kansas...the team you love to hate...at least I do, although I am kind of glad they won but have already forgotten. sorry.
  10. This sux; I thought we were going to talk about wine.
  11. I heard that Kenny Chesney is gonna headline the Lawrence show and Wilco is the opening act.
  12. nels is addicted to noise; i am sure the wilco nels haters will love to watch this. the hornblower Willie rox.
  13. heck yeah next best is Banyan w/ Perkins, Cline, Watt, and a hornblower.
  14. I'll be there w/ 3 virgins and 3 sluts (in a Wilco sense).
  15. I remembered 30 mins. into the presale, but still got tix. Maybe they released a lot or not much interest? Maybe your outburst would have been a good teachable moment. So next time, bash em!
  16. 'cept i hope the sorority girls don't blab throughout the show like in colombia. The recording reveals a bunch of blah blah blahing during Jesus, et al. slow songs.
  17. I realize he can play all sorts of instruments but he seems to mope through the show until his guitar hero parts kick in. First time I saw them I thought he was chosen to attract the younger population of girlies.
  18. I'll be taking orders for Missouri boat rides
  19. such language...foul mouthed kansan; we'll be crossin the border for the show, but will not be spending any time after the show. prolly even bring our own rations (corn whiskey) so as not to propel the union tax base. love, josey wales
  20. there is a park nearby that may see my drunk ass sleeping on a bench
  21. Maybe rent the Ken Burns Jazz documentary to get an overall of the genre? Too many different styles, eras, personalities to say 'start here'.
  22. I was thinking the cd was compiled from Thanksgiving. Maybe I'm wrong?
  23. I thought that was rad. Any other sources for video from the Thanksgiving shows?
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