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Everything posted by RaspberryJam

  1. My husband likes them as much as me, is always game for rock tourism too! Lucky me!
  2. I agree with the girlie stuff. Go to Origins or Whole foods and pick out some things that you like the smell of and not only will it be a nice thoughtful gift, it will show her some of what you like too. And it won't be too expensive. Save that for later....
  3. I kill ticks on a fairly regular basis. But I escort spiders out of the house. I'm not sure which side of the fence that puts me on.
  4. Agreed it is an excellent venue. Today's tip: there is a back hall to the bathrooms to the left of the stage and a convenient located-slightly hidden bar there also.
  5. Coincidendally, I made a CD today for a friend who lost her husband and father of her 3 kids this summer. On and On and On and Either Way are on it.
  6. I'm 5'1" on a good day and I've spent 20+ years going to concerts and looking at people's backs and having skinny guys stick their elbows in my face while they drink beer. There are many, many bands that I'm not even sure what they look like. I don't ask to stand in front of tall people, but twice nice tall people have offered to let me stand in front of them. Once at Wilco and once it was another band. If you were the guy in Dublin who moved to let me around you, thank you. I wish you let my husband and myself buy you a beer. I get the whole standing your ground to keep your spot thing.
  7. I've never been to a concert there when the sound has been good, it's just too big and echo-y.
  8. Months ago a friend offered to take me to Amsterdam for my 40th in November and guess who's going to be there! Good thing she's a fan too!
  9. Concert specific shirts and posters are never regretted, in my experience.
  10. I loved the clam chowder at Hog Island Oysters in the Ferry Building. Oysters were pretty good too. Sitting at the bar with a beer and an order of both was pretty great!
  11. Exactly. Which is why I'm not only seeing Wilco with my kids from the back and probably not the entire concert; I'll be seeing them also without them so that I can enjoy the entire concert from the rails. With a beer. Or whatever else.
  12. 1. Theologians 2. Via Chicago 3. Kingpin That's today. Ask me again tomorrow.
  13. I think I'm taking one or both of my kids to Portland. It will be the first for both of them. It's an all ages show with free tickets for the shortest ones so I'm going under the assumption that the band and/or the venue is cool with it. I'm totally fine with staying at the back and not staying for the whole show. I've seen plenty of kids and families enjoying themselves at outdoor concerts. I know plenty of douchebaggery abounds, but maybe it is a good lesson for them to see nonfunctioning adults alongside their functioning parents. Maybe if they want to have all ages shows they should
  14. Not to mention some very funny comments about lawsuits. Thank you so much to the hosts, the Tweedy's and guests. Wonderful people all.
  15. Potential silver lining: If it's settled out of court, or a court rules in favor of Jay, and Wilco/Jeff Tweedy will has to pony up some cash, that means more concerts/albums for us! See, I am a glass half full kind of gal.
  16. Donna gave me the idea that any tshirt should have a note saying "take your chatter elsewhere" specifically for wearing to concerts.
  17. No mowing or yardwork on your birthday! Hearts.
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