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Winston Legthigh

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Everything posted by Winston Legthigh

  1. Abe Vigoda died only today?
  2. Wow, I've never had a shovel's handle break on me. How did they break? Were you using a straight shafted shovel, or one with an ergonomic back-saving curve in it, like this?
  3. I'm guessing no way. Is it light fluffy stuff? Or wet heavy hell?
  4. Hopefully it consisted of "t'aint balls nor asshole." And nothing more.. Two or three foot taint??? Yumpin yiminy!
  5. I hate when I seal an envelope with my taint.
  6. Woody Guthrie's landlord was Donald Trump's dad. Amazing.
  7. There's differences in political beliefs, then there's differences in opinion on whether Sarah Palin has anything worthwhile to contribute to political discourse. My best friend, someone I've known since we were 14, is conservative. I guess I'm mostly liberal. We both agree that Sarah Palin is an idiot.
  8. Funny that the one instant reaction they all have to the pulled pork is that they think it might be undercooked.
  9. Tom Hardy has said that he's attached to 3 more.
  10. Yes, I definitely second the recommendation of the 5 years documentary. I think I saw it via Amazon Prime.
  11. Tigers math: Justin Verlander + Kate Upton = Justin Upton?
  12. He loved anything on wheels. And I mean ANYTHING.
  13. The ghost of Tip O'Neill is right behind the podium!!!
  14. Here's more: http://www.voicesofeastanglia.com/2012/04/michael-oberman-its-only-rock-and-roll.html
  15. I'm interested in his career, what else he's written, if I've ever read anything by him before, etc.
  16. Sing the 3rd line of the 4th paragraph, to the tune of Bowies 1st US #1 hit.
  17. Is his name imbedded like some sort of clue that Batman might solve?
  18. Ah. my bad. You're right. I remember now. I was confused by it being the same number. I guess the motive went like this: Steve: I'm getting $450,000 next month! Brandon: Sweet! Should we celebrate? Steve: Duh! You know how I do! Brandon: By murdering some bitch! Steve: You know it! Brandon: Messy then Clean then Messy style? Steve: Damn you know me well. Let's cut her throat, getting blood everywhere, then let's clean it spotless, then make our place look like a pigsty again. Brandon: Done and done.
  19. He wasn't days away from getting $450k, I think he was days away from the $36m lawsuit with WI beginning. The $450 settlement came later, something he was kind of "forced" into, because he needed those funds to hire counsel for the murder charges. Regardless, a moot point - I agree with everything else you wrote.
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