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Winston Legthigh

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Everything posted by Winston Legthigh

  1. So, Jurassic World was good? It never piqued my interest. I enjoyed Looper, which, other than the Breaking Bad episodes he directed, is the only thing of Johnson's that I've seen. I haven't seen any of Trevorrow's work, but I'm intrigued by Safety Not Guaranteed.
  2. Solar power isn't unreliable. It's basically limitless. The unreliability is from the current storage technology. All sorts of money needs to be pumped into that research.
  3. We've watched 3 episodes. Sickening.
  4. Waco Bros = religion. That was my 4th WB holiday show in a row. So great. I hope I never miss one. We were a few feet behind you. Brought a big group of first timers with me.
  5. I need to pay attention for Daniel Craig's storm trooper. He's the one that Rey force-controls. Also love the opening line, a total burn on Eps I-III: "This should make things right."
  6. What's wrong with November Rain?
  7. Well, That's one way to herald the end of Christmas Music season; OR, Unfrozen Caveman frightened and confused by Christmas Music; OR, Tinnitus, were you in Madison the other day?
  8. Ah. Interesting theories here: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/star-wars-theories-the-force-awakens_567edfbce4b0b958f65981bd
  9. im trying to think of scenes of Vader and Leia together. If there are any beyond Ep IV, I can't recall them. Vader didn't recognize her as his daughter because Lucas hadn't gotten that far with his plot mapping.
  10. I read somewhere that the intention of each trilogy is to focus on a member of the Skywalker family. Being that the light saber in question has only been owned by a Skywalker so far, makes sense that it would call out to one of them. Apologies to the Windu clan.
  11. Was given the complete Boarding House - Old & In the Way recordings, for Xmas. Great stuff. When did Jerry even have time to learn and master those songs on the banjo? I know his banjo playing went way back, but still. To be able to fit in and kill on those songs, in the midst of a very productive year for GD touring...
  12. Predictions: Rey is Luke's daughter - this one is obvious. Finn is Lando Calrissian's son. They're the only black dudes in the Star Wars universe. Phasma will turn (has already turned) to the good guys - this can be the only explanation of her sabotaging her duty.
  13. Loved the movie. That bit didn't bother me. Loved that Rylo Ken couldn't control his emotions. That's what the dark side is about, right? Some nit picks: (they really didn't bother me) what's with Finn weilding a light saber pretty effectively from the get go? What was with the anti-light saber baton? Why would they need to shoot a star's energy outwardly? Wouldn't the act of destroying a star pretty much screw the orbiting planets already? Capt Phasma turning handing over the keys because she doesn't want to get shot???
  14. lovely cover of Waterloo Sunset: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wUFstekZ55I
  15. I'm not sure when I will get around to seeing it. Would like to this weekend. I didn't see the first one right away either - took my sweet time. I remember the Star Wars trading cards that would come with a load of Wonderbread. Those definitely piqued my interest. The Burger King glasses did too. I'm pretty sure that the first time I saw it, I waited in the dark theater and watched it all over again. I can't remember if I did that on the initial viewing, or if I did it when saw it the 2nd/3rd time a week or so later. I was 8 years old. I never collected a single action figure, but I think I
  16. This guy. There's no way a guy who looks like Grandpa Munster will become president.
  17. I'm 46 and have a 3 and almost-1 year old. I think the roster is set. I can't imagine having kids when I was younger. Now is just about the perfect time.
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