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Everything posted by ih8music

  1. Yep, and how product placement used to be such a big deal (remember the uproar over Reeses Pieces being featured in E.T.?) -- but now, you watch movies and TV and it's pretty much everywhere. Biggest Loser anyone? I don't mind music being used to sell products so much as long as the song remains unaltered. But when they "jingle-ize" a piece of music to better fit in an ad, that's over the line.
  2. 3 teams from CA in the playoffs this year. 2 teams from Canada. but seriously, that's pretty sad. Outside of the Vancouver and Montreal fanbases, who's the typical Canadian rooting for this year?
  3. Seriously, though - what is there to do? Only eat canned food from last year? Only drink really old bottled water? Panic? No, I think we need to channel this outrage into demanding that first and foremost our nuclear reactors are safe; that no more new reactors are built; and that all of our energy money and effort be focused on ramping up truly clean energy sources like solar, wind, geothermal, tidal, wave, etc. There's no reason why every municipal building in the southwest (and in many other areas of the country) doesn't have a full array of solar panels on their roof. All these art
  4. Amen, cryptique. And let's not forget that the 14 trillion dollar debt was almost entirely created in the past 10 years, and has it's roots back in 80's when the supply-sider lies began (remember Cheney's famous quote that "deficits don't matter" -- I wonder if he'd like to revise that statement.). This is what happens when you have rampant, irresponsible tax cuts (yes, sadly extended by Obama), plus a couple of (now 3) completely unpaid-for wars, plus corporate bailouts and a stimulus program put in place to prevent economic collapse. The result: corporations on Wall Street are seei
  5. No, that was significantly worse IMO.
  6. I think Wilco, or at least Tweedy, is still very solidly in the Obama camp. I would be shocked if that changes at all.
  7. Middle Brother tonight at the Echo in LA. I had planned on going but seem to have pick up a case of the hack-out-your-lungs-like-death-is-imminent. Unless I miraculously recover, I think I'll have to pass. Maybe next time.
  8. This guy is also very, very lucky to be alive (at least I assume he survived) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yiENf1f1tIA
  9. ^ No kidding, that doc was really magnificent. Such a loving retrospective of one of the greats. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lOcS0WlX3YE D. Boone left us way too soon.
  10. Nice tune. Don't dislike it by any means, but not immediately in love with it, either. Curious to hear how it gets translated by the band.
  11. I was going to post something like that; the ONLY way I could see myself paying such an outrageous price for a concert ticket is if the proceeds were going to a charity that I felt strongly about. Short of that, $250 (hell, $100) for a ticket to watch one guy play is just obscene. legend or not, that's ridiculous.
  12. More like obscenity. A hundred bucks a pop to watch a dude play an acoustic set? Never. Never never never.
  13. good song, but I don't hear many similarities to spiders.
  14. Excellent. Thanks very much!
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TOSZwEwl_1Q just missed the theme from Shaft by a few days. that would have been a lot cooler.
  16. This is absolutely stunning. It's a plotting of all the 5.0+ earthquakes that happened immediately before and now after the 9.0 quake. Literally hundreds of them! http://www.latimes.c...29519.htmlstory (click play near the bottom right corner of the map) What a terrifying time it must be in Japan.
  17. Did Leroy leave before or after Jeff checked in to rehab? I wasn't around here at the time - was that a factor at all?
  18. awesome. I recently posted another version of that cover on the westerberg forum; this one is great. Really interested in seeing where middle brother goes; love the underlying bands, so you kind of root for them but hope they're not doing *too* well.
  19. Not a huge fan of the studio version of this... but in a live setting, Lucero kills this Jawbreaker cover. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lodfiomYpDc
  20. That's awesome. Unfortunately, if everyone made this kind of political statement, I suspect there'd be very few places for us to keep our money.
  21. Bravo, Bernie. http://www.rawstory....-slash-deficit/ No chance in hell it'll pass, of course. I'd be fine doing away with the extra tax on millionaires and just concentrate on stripping the oil companies of their tax breaks. There's absolutely no reason why the government needs to subsidize the most profitable industry on the planet.
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