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Everything posted by ih8music

  1. I agree 100%. Even though her songs on GGB show significant improvement over her previous work, her voice just doesn't fit with what I think of when I want to listen to them. And for comparison I almost always want more Cooley on their albums, this one included.
  2. I had a very similar Huffy. Used to love the huge seat. Mine was built like a tank, too. Not the fastest of bikes, but virtually indestructible. I ran into a parked car once and the huffy came away unscratched, while the car needed a chrome job.
  3. This is political opportunism at it's worst. If the governor wants concessions from the unions to help with the state's budget shortfalls -- which, as was mentioned earlier, only exist because of the governor's 1st month of spending -- but nevertheless, if he thinks the unions need to make concessions, there's a place for that... the bargaining table. To unilaterally abolish the unions' right to collective bargaining is the most extreme of moves the governor could have made. There should be no surprise that the reaction is also extreme. I applaud the WI Democratic lawmakers for doin
  4. had one of these last night... Basically their stock BW spiked with a Belgian yeast strain (for their "odd year release"). Not bad, a little sweeter than I'd like, but worth the 5.99 I paid for it. I bought an extra one to lay down for a year, we'll see how it improves over time.
  5. we should all be ashamed this hasn't been mentioned yet... (Was I) In Your Dreams - Wilco
  6. Do you want new wave or do you want the truth? ~ Minutemen How can you like him (better than me)? ~ Paul Westerberg What about mine? ~ Paul Westerberg Call that gone? ~ Paul Westerberg What else would you have me be? ~ Lucero Hey darlin', do you gamble? ~ Lucero Are you sure Hank done it this way? ~ Uncle Tupelo
  7. she did not have a stroke. whether it was just a brain fart or something else is unclear... but it wasn't a stroke.
  8. I didn't watch the show, but looking at the winners I'm thrilled that The Black Keys won Best Alternative Album (over Arcade Fire, no less). How exactly does that work? Different group of voters for each award? Or are we to infer from this that they thought the two best albums of the year were from alternative bands?
  9. I would ask Jeff for his reaction to people who say that his songwriting has suffered because his personal life is so stable now.
  10. can't believe this one didn't occur to me before now. Granted, it's only a 7-song, 27 minute EP... but it's absolutely perfect.
  11. I'm a mod on another board and we have a similar policy there where newbie members who try to advertise stuff are treated more harshly than established members. If you want to share your work with other members of your community then there's nothing wrong with that at all... but if you're a carpetbagger you can fuck off. If you're in between, then spend some time to become a part of the community before talking about your stuff. It's pretty simple. The main problem I've noticed here at VC re: newbies is how a very small group of frequent posters tend to dominate conversations, often by
  12. Pretty good interview w/ Ben here http://twangville.co...-to-twangville/ re: their next album:
  13. I guess the inherent assumption behind "I wonder how Wilco might have progressed" is that if Henneman stuck around, there would have been no need for Jay to enter the mix... thus no Summerteeth, etc. As much as I love A.M. (and no, I wasn't a fan at the time ) I'm happy that Wilco evolved in the manner it did.
  14. It has a bunch of really good songs, a couple of great ones, and one stinker (You & I), IMO. It also feels like a very "safe" album from them -- and that just doesn't hold up against the rest of their catalog, especially ST->YHF->AGIB. To their credit, when played live, I loved the WTA songs nearly as much as the older tracks. That makes me wonder if the problem was more on the production side of the fence than the songs themselves. (or it could just be that they're kick-ass live musicians who can make anything sound great)
  15. I use torrents for live music / boots only. If I like an artist well enough to want to download their album, I'll happily fork over the $10 or so (usually less) to download the mp3s from amazon or itunes. if I really, really like it I'll buy the CD for the 'official' collection (thankfully I don't do vinyl, or else there'd be another tier for the truly special stuff).
  16. For all the good that his movie may have done in spreading the word about climate change, I think Gore's involvement in the cause has done more damage than good (at least here in the US). He opened the flood gates for the intrusion of politics into scientific debate, and now we have huge numbers of the population here (almost entirely conservatives) who have been led to believe that climate change is hoax. Scientists should be the ones questioning other scientific research, not politicians (and certainly not tv/radio personalities). And among scientists, it's pretty much unanimous that cl
  17. I almost got into it on FB with a conservative friend of mine who was all smarmy about global warming today in light of the blizzard... then I realized he almost certainly posted that stuff solely to rile me up, so I let it go.
  18. Always good to hear from a pro. Curious though about what makes Behr 'garbage' in your opinion? Does it not cover as well as the others or something along those lines? I've always used Behr paint and have never had any issues (and my paint jobs seem to turn out well). What am I missing?
  19. Freshman year of HS, happened sometime during my free period. I was walking the halls when I passed by a classroom that had the TV coverage going. Shortly after that, they made an announcement to the entire school about what happened. Everyone was just shocked. (a friend of mine - extremely bright guy, too - was 100% certain that the shuttle was shot down by a Russian laser beam. this was around the time of Reagan's proposed Star Wars missile defense system... he thought the Soviets beat us to the punch and this was their way of announcing it. took him quite a while for him to accept th
  20. a steady hand and a wet rag makes the blue tape not necessary in most situations. do you best free hand and wipe up any messes you might make right away. it saves you a ton of time.
  21. Thought there was a thread for these guys already, but apparently not. Great band out of southern CA that's starting to get a lot of attention. They were on Jimmy Kimmel last night - played White Table and Bushwick Blues off of their latest. http://halfwayhousem...my-kimmel-live/ Sounded great; too bad we didn't get all of Bushwick.
  22. to me, all of them... never been much of a fan.
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