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tinnitus photography

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Everything posted by tinnitus photography

  1. punk rock still lives...and it's living pretty well, actually. for those who don't know, OFF! is Keith Morris' new band (ex-Black Flag/Circle Jerks). not the typical listening fare for this board, but i bet there's at least a few people w/ early Black Flag or Circle Jerks records in their collection. photos and review: http://www.prefixmag.com/photos/off-trash-talk-cerebral-ballzy-the-middle-east-cam/
  2. i would think after the aneurysm and Ben Keith's passing, Neil doesn't take anything for granted...
  3. some people prefer vinyl for the artwork, for the sound, or just for the ritual of playing it as compared to a CD. I've certainly bought reissue LPs of stuff that i didn't previously have, or that I did have on CD or CDR. i won't really go out of my way for a color vinyl pressing of a record I've already got, but if it's a new release, i don't mind getting a rarer edition of a color pressing as compared to the black.
  4. do people really run into douchey record store workers all the time? maybe Boston is different, but i really can't think of any over the 20+ years i've been shopping here. some cool band members were store workers that i saw a lot of over the years: mack mackay (slapshot drummer) richie parsons (unnatural axe) bob fay (sebadoh) yukki gipe (bullet lavolta) peter prescott (volcano suns/burma) robin amos (girls/cul de sac) wayne rogers (major stars) keith fullerton whitman (solo) i'm sure there were others i'm forgetting.
  5. Leave Me Like You Found Me into Less Than You Think
  6. Moderator Edit: Below is a quote from a different thread, but copied here for continuity, to keep Wilcobase talk in the Wilcobase thread. Neat and tidy! (Thanks!) tell me all yr secrets
  7. I guess seeing OFF! last night could qualify for nostalgia, but they kicked ass.
  8. i can tell you that Warners has consistently refused to do any press buy-outs for review tickets over the last few tours.
  9. not sure where you are, but i just checked the two Boston dates and the best single ticket I could find was 30 rows from the stage. not sure of your definition, but amazing wouldn't be my first adjective used.
  10. well that song was written over 20 years ago. maybe he invested heavily in the Japanese nuclear industry since then.
  11. review and some photos of J's show w/ Kurt: http://www.prefixmag.com/photos/j-mascis-kurt-vile-brighton-music-hall-boston-pics/ and a video of "Little Fury Things"
  12. i'm pretty sure that i don't need an audience sing-along to make the concert good for me. in fact, i think i'd probably prefer not have it, at an acoustic show.
  13. projections typically fail miserably. you have no idea what makes him get out on the road. none of us do. i mean, we can guess and hypothesize, but you seem a little too firm in your convictions here.
  14. according to my Googles, Peoria Civic Center has a 12,000 seat capacity.
  15. did Tom Petty play in a theater? and was the price for Petty's 'good' seats last year for the outdoor sheds he played? $150. and i wouldn't pay $10 to see Paul Simon. but that's just me.
  16. why even compare Randy Newman or Willie Nelson to Neil Young? It's ludicrous.
  17. U2 aren't playing in a 1500-2000 capacity theater, either. i think that either Neil's guarantee was super high and the promoters needed to jack up the prices accordingly, or he wanted to beat the scalpers. we'll see how many empty seats there are...that should determine whether the price point was set correctly or not. the show i went to in Worcester last year had the prices and no empty seats.
  18. support your local shithole...most tickets are under $20 for >1000 ppl clubs...
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