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tinnitus photography

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Everything posted by tinnitus photography

  1. this has been an interesting thread...i was thinking there might be some parallels drawn between this situation, and how some may perceive my posts here...i am glad that people don't take my non-Wilco posts as spam, and i certainly try to limit them to topics of interest to the community (eg, i won't post any photos of the recent Robyn show ).
  2. you like Pat now? when did that developing news story break?
  3. i kept confusing Brian Henneman w/ Brian Hageman, and if Tweedy made the same mistake it would have been awesome.
  4. _Trace_ is easily twice the record that _A.M._ is. and W(TS) could be classified as a novelty song, but it's a great one.
  5. this was my 2nd time seeing Neko and it was again a great show...here's my review and a couple of photos Neko Case and Lost In The Trees: btw, here's the set list: http://www.setlist.fm/setlist/neko-case/2011/wilbur-theatre-boston-ma-13d2c191.html
  6. i would bet that the chart is derived by total data, and not individual titles. you can download a ton of 192 bit CD rips for the same bandwidth charge of a DVD.
  7. the only thing i've seen of his is Mogwai's _Burning_ and i thought that was great.
  8. or a new record as Chris Stripes. maybe White Gaines. that's catchier.
  9. i caught hte 1st Boston show last friday...should have my review/photos done tonight.
  10. strange...i called when the dates were announced and was told they had no openings. maybe someone canceled?
  11. i camped last year @ Savoy Mountain and was hoping to do so again but that weekend was sold out before SSF dates were announced. bummer.
  12. Delux is still there, but if it's crowded it's a PITA. i used to live in the South End, and I do miss it periodically. walking distance to a lot of good places, and some truly excellent restaurants.
  13. other great restuarants: Masa Metropolis Tremont 647 Anchovies Aquitaine
  14. that place is awesome. best food per $ value in town.
  15. i did a search and didn't see any mention of this...a friend tipped me off to this the other day, but i'll be out of the area. http://www.icaboston.org/programs/performance/music/CelestialSeptet/
  16. you can definitely post the link to the Zep list, or anywhere else for that matter. thanks!
  17. I had the good fortune to be approved for the Plant show the other night...i enjoyed the style of music he was doing, and he didn't turn his back on the Zep catalog either...granted, the arrangements were much different, but the performances were still great. he knows he can't pull off the cock rock swagger of the early material, so he morphed it into something different, yet still relevant. due to the waiver i signed, i can't put up the photos anywhere aside from the outlet i was shooting for, but you can see 'em here: http://www.prefixmag.com/photos/robert-plant-and-band-of-joy-north-mi
  18. _Sandanista!_ has some undeniably great material on it, but could you really call the entire thing great?
  19. dammit, that JT solo show is the same night as J Mascis/K Vile, and about 120 miles farther away...
  20. my interview w/ the leader (Jus Oborn) of one of the heaviest bands around (Electric Wizard) is now up: http://www.prefixmag.com/features/electric-wizard/elecrric-wizard-interview/47944/
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