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tinnitus photography

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Everything posted by tinnitus photography

  1. glad you dug the show. i did as well.
  2. five favorite Barbara Manning covers: 1 - Smoking Her Wings (Bats) 2 - B4 We Go Under (Magick Heads) 3 - Don't Let It Bring You Down (Wings) 4 - Soul Of Patrick Lee (John Cale) 5 - Joed Out (Verlaines) honorable mention: Baby Blue (Badfinger)
  3. holy shit: http://www.sunkilmoon.com/hesbad/
  4. i liked them at Newport. bluesy rock action, but different from Black Keys. less bombast.
  5. Melvins: Hooch It's Shoved The Bit Let It All Be Boris
  6. plenty of ways to address that musical blind spot, wrt to these bands. some really great musicians here, albeit as bbop said, off the road and into the ditch.
  7. this is probably better than the last couple of Solid Sound lineups.
  8. that cover is glorious. best cover since SBS, easily.
  9. i guess there's really no more hiding the fact that the GOP is the party of white supremacists. http://www.desmoinesregister.com/story/news/politics/2016/07/18/steve-king-creates-uproar-salute-to-contributions-of-white-people/87270220/
  10. yeah Jim's been playing w/ him for a while now.
  11. go for it! and thanks for asking! if you are on facebook, you can share it via: https://www.facebook.com/TinnitusPhotography/
  12. Thanks! that's way up on the list of the biggest WTF moments i've seen on stage.
  13. yeah but i'll be 250' away... as the kids are still at summer camp, i figure i'll take advantage and do something fun w/ my wife tonight.
  14. i rented a 500mm for Macca on Sunday, and a friend tried to convince me to put in for one of the two Dead & Co shows. Nah.
  15. well the records i am interested in are original pressings from New Zealand, pressed in small quantities. but even new records are $20 a pop or more now.
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