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Everything posted by deepseacatfish

  1. Yeah, exactly. Keep on rocking Wilcos!
  2. Now that's big news! Awesome blog post on this, I hope that Jeff and co. occasionally get a laugh out of how worked up this place gets over something like this, and for my 2 cents, I think Jeff/Wilco was fine in licensing the song out.
  3. Sgt. Peppers is an amazing album, I remember the first time listening to it, I got it on tape for Christmas when I was in like 5th grade probably and it was just such an enjoyable album--it's only grown in depth for me since then. I wouldn't call it my favorite Beatles album--I'm in the White Album camp on that one, but it is a really great album...and "A Day in the Life" is perhaps my favorite Beatles song.
  4. The Sea and Cake, I think, are highly underrated. The music is beautiful, subtle, and ultimately still very accessible. I haven't had a chance to see them live, though I would love to...and I still need to get my hands on the new album...but definitely one of the bands I can't speak highly enough of. The Biz is a real highlight for me, though none of their albums are letdowns at all.
  5. Rock on Hopefully you can dodge in here to post, but its awesome to improve your working conditions!
  6. I'm thinking I could probably come up with a better way to spend a billion dollars, just putting it out there. And yes, I think this is going to be a quickly dated theme-park. I mean seriously, lots of people got into Harry Potter, but will it last without the constant hype of the next book/movie? I dunno, I certainly doubt it will have the same cultural footprint in 10 years.
  7. While you might be curious, just consider that the band probably doesn't want to have fans swarming all around them and the Loft. I'd say be content with what you can get of the Loft via Kot's book, the Wilco Book, I Am Trying to Break Your Heart DVD, and the Shake it Off DVD. If you want to say hello to the band, I'm sure they'd be gracious enough to do that after a show. Not trying to be rude, but I just hope you understand the band probably likes having a bit of privacy
  8. Hilarious, but oh-so-true. He's very "white."
  9. Congrats! Nothing like good cake and thrilling rides
  10. Yep, Grassley is definitely one of the Iowa dudes. I see a number of problems with E-85, most cars still aren't built to take it (they also offer a 10 or 15% blend that is a little cheaper than normal gas here, that all cars can use); then there's the whole energy conversion deal since they use coal--but it does make us a little less "dependent" on foreign oil...though certainly nothing big; and like Cryptique mentioned corn is really inefficient in terms of conversion. In Brazil they very successfully use sugarcane to do the same thing, switch grasses are another possibility since they g
  11. Sweet, glad this gem is making it back into their sets. Here's to hoping to hear it in Davenport. Always one of the (many) highlights of YHF.
  12. Check out some of the tracks on Mermaid Ave, both Vol I and II, there are a number of pretty clear protest songs in there. "Kicking Television" could also probably qualify as an (albeit simple) protest song. Uncle Tupelo material is also full of protest like stuff, just search around, "Coalminers" jumps to mind or "Sauget Wind" There are a lot of good protest songs out there, you just have to find ones that suit you. Maybe you just don't like overtly political music...try something that is just more general like Sonic Youth's "Peace Attack" or a good portion of Frank Zappa and the Mot
  13. Yep, gas prices suck. It's only $3.29 around here, but in the middle of Iowa it is nearly impossible to not drive some places, at least some of the time. Ie. if I wanted to get any new clothes ever, and didn't want to order off the internet, or shop at wal-mart (which I also would probably have to drive to here) I'd have to drive at least 30 minutes. I walk in town, but that's about all I can do.
  14. The crying baby on your site it right. I won't be able to make it to the show, but good luck--and with future musical endeavors Riveria or not. I'll be spinning Capital again when I get home.
  15. Impossible Germany and Side With the Seeds are my favorites, and I definitely like this album...I'm way excited to see them in Davenport in a few weeks
  16. Loose Fur is fantastic. That said, I generally prefer the first album, mostly because it sounds a little more consistent to me, but Born Again in the USA is fantastic too, I'm a big fan of "Apostolic" man that's a killer short track.
  17. Zappa is awesome. I'm a huge fan of We're Only in it For the Money and Hot Rats, but pretty much all of his work is inspired and crazy and entertaining. Frank Zappa on Crossfire for those interested
  18. Start with a tube amplifier with a nice clean warm tone that has a solid overdriven sound. Next add a guitar that really suits your playing style well. For me I think a Jazzmaster would be ideal, right now I have a Strat, it doesn't quite have the warmth/muddiness of soapbar pickups...but choose something you really want to play. Then toss in (sparingly) a few choice effects, a fuzzbox of some sort will really destroy sound if you want that Nels explosion of fuzz effect, that or an overdrive pedal just to kick your amp into it's warmer/crunchier state. Then add something that can really
  19. I bought SBS at a local indie store, Iowa City has a pair of pretty decent record stores, one with a really awesome knowledgeable jazz dude. I paid $24 for the super-deluxe edition...not a big deal I guess. Most of their other albums are only two dollars or so more than an online store, and hey, the dude is awesome and friendly, so when I'm there and have the cash I'll drop it there.
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