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Everything posted by deepseacatfish

  1. Welcome oceanbaby! Congrats family You get him a scarf too?
  2. Yeah late babies! I was 2 weeks late too!
  3. Yeah but I guess that's the dad-rock lifestyle. Glad to hear that O'Rourke is going to be in on the mixing of this. I think he's got a really good ear for fitting things together.
  4. Most European countries have mandatory service for both men and women. While plenty of people do serve this by doing military service for a while (usually a year or two years at most), I know that most countries also have the option to do civil service...even sometimes in foreign countries. I was working with habitat for humanity in Colorado and there was a German guy there serving his civil service for a year and a half by helping out impoverished American's (particularly Mexican immigrants) in a homeless shelter. Personally I think it would be a good thing if more American's got more inv
  5. I ate here when I went to the Pitchfork music festival, and I enjoyed it. Haven't been to the other places, but Chicago has plenty of great food very much within walking distance of the Auditorium Theater. I'm sure you'll have no trouble finding a place.
  6. I should be going! And yeah, there's usually someone doing laundry whenever there's a show
  7. I'm sure there are plenty of needy hipsters out there eager to get it from you
  8. 1. Heavy Metal Drummer-Yankee Hotel Foxtrot (Wilco) 2. Ob La Di Ob La Da -White Album (The Beatles) 3. Fitter Happier-OK Computer (Radiohead) 4. Side of the Road-Sea Change (Beck) 5. I'm Still Your Fag-You Forgot it in People (Broken Social Scene) 6. Hit the Plane Down-Crooked Rain, Crooked Rain (Pavement) 7. Rain King-Daydream Nation (Sonic Youth) 8. Little Honda-I Can Hear the Heart Beating as One (Yo La Tengo) 9. Clementine-Castaways and Cutouts (The Decemberists) 10. Her Majesty-Abbey Road (The Beatles) Usually I'd add Steve Reich's "Music for 18 Musicians" and John Coltrane's "A Love
  9. Well...I'm not such a fan of this one...but to each their own However, Devo seriously rules. And anybody who can rock out with a flowerpot on their head is good in my book.
  10. If I couldn't stand what I heard of her voice from her first album would I like this? I've been curious to check it out, but really haven't bothered because I was really pretty put-off by her weird voice when I heard stuff before. I am a big O'Rourke fan, and I'm really interested in hearing the production.
  11. You can change your preferences in iTunes to import as an mp3 instead of m4a, I think it's somewhere under preferences>advanced>importing or something like that.
  12. 80.6% Though I know I did hit one button wrong because I thought the second phrase had ended...ah well.
  13. Exactly, only I'm about 5 hours away. Sounds like a fantastic experience. Sad to have missed it, but I'm sure it was grand.
  14. Yep. Pretty much I went into it really excited and loved it as much as I thought I would. I'm a big fan of the bear.
  15. It's likely that the downloads are no longer up on the Wilco site, but maybe someone else knows.
  16. Looks like Iowa Dems are doing pretty well, which is pretty sweet!
  17. Damn, if I knew about this sooner I would've loved to have seen this. Ah, well. Those who go will have a fantastic time I'm sure.
  18. My dad read an article about Yankee Hotel Foxtrot in the Star Tribune when it first came out and told me that I should get the album because I would like it since the article made comparisons to Radiohead, the only other contemporary band I liked at the time. I bought the album and loved it. I've seen Wilco once, Tweedy once. Both times were great: Auditorium Theater: October 30th, 2004 1. Hummingbird 2. At Least That's What You Said 3. Radio Cure 4. Muzzle Of Bees 5. Company In My Back 6. I Am Trying To Break Your Heart 7. Pot Kettle Black 8. A Shot In The Arm 9. Jesus, Etc. 10. Handsha
  19. This thread reminded me that I needed to pick up a Roxy Music CD, so I picked up "For Your Pleasure" and am liking it so far!
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