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Everything posted by deepseacatfish

  1. Old Ramon is where I first got into them, but it's all good stuff.
  2. Before it remodeled the steakhouse in Grinnell (AJ's) served an 80 oz steak, and for a while I guess served a 205 oz Steak as well, which possibly claims the world record for large steaks. Now under new management you can only get a mere 28 ounces (plus unlimited sides), which while meager in comparison is still a ridiculous amount of food.
  3. I don't see a contradiction at all. It's not like he's planning on making this stimulus a continuous thing. The purpose it to create jobs and stabilize the markets. Once that happens theoretically more people should be in a position to spend money again and things should improve. It's not perfect, but my guess is that it will help (certainly more than doing nothing at all). As things turn around then it's his responsibility (as well as everyone else's) not to just spend like maniacs and instead try and reduce the debt burden in general. That's where the responsibility part really comes in
  4. Neat, don't know that I prefer it to Revolution 1/Revolution 9 but a cool find anyway.
  5. I realize that the Hold Steady or Sonic Youth probably aren't listened to by very many people by comparison, but does that lesson their importance? I dunno, I don't think so. American Idol artists may be "important" in the short-term but how many of them are important musically in the long term (or even particularly important as musicians to the people who listen to them?) The Eagles greatest hits album has sold almost 30 million copies, does that make the Eagles the most important band in America? I sure hope not. Does entering the popular consciousness mean something (even a lot?), ye
  6. Unemployment in Iowa is actually pretty low compared to the nation, somewhere around 5% But there is a reason this state has one of the highest 20-30 year old flight rates (ie. no new jobs for younger people). I'm unemployed right now (kind of) and doing a little substitute teaching and looking for work for next school year. Not sure what the requirements in your area are for subbing, but I know many states you can get away with just having a college degree (and possibly taking a short course or something in teaching). You might want to look into that in the meantime.
  7. Sonic Youth would have to rank pretty high up there. But for a more truly American sounding band, The Hold Steady. "Important" is just wickedly subjective.
  8. Definitely a cool hall, you got my vote the last time around!
  9. All music sums up their critique of Experimental Jet Set as "In other words, Experimental Jet Set, Trash & No Star features the underlying foundation of the group's music standing naked, without any of their traditionally excessive static to heighten it." Which honestly I don't know that I agree with. There are Sonic Youth albums that don't click for me, but that one has a lot of really good both mellow and hooky songs.
  10. In my top 5 albums of all time. Transcendent stuff.
  11. Canon Beach in Oregon. Beautiful trees, seastacks, ocean, and the mountains are pretty close too.
  12. AM-Box Full of Letters Being There-Misunderstood Summerteeth-She's A Jar YHF-Pot Kettle Black AGIB-Handshake Drugs Sky Blue Sky-Side With the Seeds
  13. That soundstage performance was killer. I would have loved to have been there. I generally prefer the Loose Fur "Laminated Cat" but every version of this song is awesome. As a side-note it's by far my personal favorite song to play live at shows. Easy, but with lots of cool chordal color and sweet lyrics.
  14. Yeah, exactly. That's stuffs key specially given the record buying climate these days.
  15. Exactly. I can just imagine how cool it would be to have Sonic Youth with an ocassional Nels guesting on that tour on some Youth songs and then ocassional Wilco noise augmented by even more guitars. Sweet indeed. Unlikely unfortunately. I would pay good money for that.
  16. Even with the clarification that they may sometime in the future release new stuff this is a huge bummer. An excellent label, with lots of great artists. Definitely a big loss.
  17. I started out playing a MIM Strat, and it's held up very well. I've had it for I think about 10 odd years now. Few complaints at all.
  18. Hopefully, it's truly tragic when so many people (and animals) die because of someone's reckless behavior.
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