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Everything posted by worldrecordplayer

  1. Jeff was in fine form tonight. Outstanding playing in an acoustically perfect venue, and lots of loose and hysterical banter. Really funny when after he just finished One SUnday Morning a group of 3 or 4 folks first came in to their seats in like the second row to his right. “Oh great, now I’m going to have to start all over. I just did a song with 12 verses, I can’t do that again.” And “if you plan to leave early you get there on time.” My life motto exactly. Jeff was on the crowd for being too laid back. “Are the seats really comfortable?” I think he said that a couple of times. Later he
  2. Any comments on Buck Meek? He's opening in Boston, I'm not familiar with him.
  3. Wristbands at 10, how much earlier will people start lining up? I have no idea. 100 people will get wristbands.
  4. Yea, I feel the same way. Would love to be in the room but that's a lot of idle hours for a 30 minute performance when I'm seeing him that night.
  5. Just called the store. No wristbands in advance. They open at 10 am on Saturday and it will be first come first served. About 100 folks will get in.
  6. Just got the weekly Newbury Comics new releases email. Lo and behold, Boston Mayor Walsh declared Saturday Newbury Comics Day in Boston, and to celebrate Jeff Tweedy will be doing an in-store performance at 12:15 at the Newbury Street store.
  7. Multi-night run at the Orpheum is always the best.
  8. When I saw this show was upcoming this particular week I started wondering if there would be any PGA folk in the house, and whether Jeff would be aware that the TPC (one of every golf fan's favorite tournaments) is being played this week. So kudos to Jeff for being aware. And just for the record, I played the championship course with my son before he went off to college and we both parred 17. Not a single ball in the water in our 4-some. So take that PGA pros!
  9. Here's pretty much the complete Misunderstood, over 4 minutes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CfuFSsOJjOw
  10. Fantastic setlist. Well done gewee.
  11. Love that piece in the NY Times. Working my way through the picks. How can it be 50 years??? A timeless piece of music.
  12. Having nothing to do with the Times piece, but I always thought the thing with the lighting is he suffers from Meunière’s Disease. I don’t count myself in the “he’s a crappy songwriter” camp. Prisoner is one of my favorite albums of the last several years. I was looking forward to his 3 releases this year. The one song I heard sounded good to me. I was late to the RA bus and then I often heard what an asshole he is. I didn’t know what that was about, I never saw it and I pretty much just listened to the music. What has been revealed is so beyond the pale. Sickening. Time will tell what
  13. Dusty Grooves is another site that sells used vinyl. I’ve never bought used vinyl over the internet, feel like I need to see it and hold it first. I live in the Boston area and there’s a Newbury Comics close by in Norwood that has a large used vinyl area. I hunt there. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  14. So sad: https://www.jambase.com/article/kofi-burbridge-died Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  15. I've been following this tour on social media and so jealous each night. What a bill! How did you like the show?
  16. Wait, does Wilco have "a crappy overplayed hit single?" That would be news to me.
  17. No doubt that's a miss by Fender. They should have contacted Nels, for sure.
  18. Found this on YouTube, says 2005. The clothes are the same as in the photos on the acltv link. Starts off with ALTWYS. https://youtu.be/iUs9xzt-RYo Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  19. Awesome photos Tim. I was talking with my 29 year old son about Sleep. He’s seen them 2x (once in a small club in Austin the year Levitation was cancelled because of floods) and freaking loves their shows. Didn’t you see them in Iceland, or on some frozen island in Scandinavia? I have some vague memory of that and was looking for your photos from that show. Did that happen? Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  20. I'm in for Berklee in Boston. Seats not great but I'm in. Will try for better tomorrow night.
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