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Everything posted by ViaNewOrleans

  1. This was a really great interview. Very interesting and insightful and great rapport with Nels. Learned a lot of interesting info.
  2. Pulled from Reddit, which pulled from Substack. New Jeff solo album! For those who missed it, Jeff wrote on the Substack today, "Later this winter, I'm going to make a record with Spencer and Sammy and the Tweedy band. A solo record. I've been working on material for that..." And then he shared a first draft of a tune, called "New Orleans, but admitted it might change completely and might not be on the solo album at all. The tune itself is a very pretty one, super mellow, with lyrics including, "I'd trade all four limbs for a parade in New Orleans..." I'm looking for
  3. Not so long ago (October 2022) they played two shows in New Orleans and only repeated one song. It was awesome. Lots of songs they don't play much anymore: Opened w/ Misunderstood Far, Far Away Cry All Day At Least That's What You Said Sunken Treasure Whole Love Born Alone Via Chicago Second night gems: A Shot in the Arm Kamera Random Name Generator Poor Places into...... Reservations Everyone Hides Hummingbird Forget the Flowers Theologians I'm The Man Who Loves You
  4. Musically I really like this song but lyrically, it's kind of too current eventy (not a word I know) for my tastes.
  5. thanks just saw that. Posts are still from 90 plus days ago so looks like they need some time to get back in business. Also, FYI, another sub popped up recently and it's pretty good. r/WilcoTheBand
  6. Very well done podcast.
  7. I think the mods are gone pecan. I sent a private message and get nothing in return.
  8. What is the deal with these ticket sales? Got online early and was first in the queue to purchase tickets for 10/5 in NOLA. There were four "official platinum" seats available for $595 (lol) and floor seats (standing room). Not one other seat in the entire venue was on sale. That is ridiculous.
  9. Just got floor seats for both NOLA shows. I was in the Queue early for both pre-sales and nothing but floor available. $50 a pop, which is very reasonable so if I can score seats later, I will just try to sell the floor seats at face value.
  10. The part about release of a double album in May has magically disappeared from the KAXE website.
  11. What about those of us that are completely digital? I wouldn't mind paying the same price for a digital download. I just don't have Blue Ray, DVD, VHS, Betamax etc.
  12. Here you go. Link to both shows: https://www.mediafire.com/folder/73oyzn7dc6hy5/Wilco+-+Sydney+Opera+House+-+2013-04-02 https://www.mediafire.com/folder/w8v8ghxx9a8l4/Wilco+-+Sydney+Opera+House+-+2013-04-03
  13. If Wilco somehow ever decided to come to New Orleans, which they rarely rarely ever do despite two members having ties to the area, then yes, I would definitely get me some tickets.
  14. Would love to hear it if it's Kosher to release. Thanks.
  15. D a m n, That's quite the collection. Thanks for sharing.
  16. It's official! Wilco hates New Orleans. I believe they have played every city in the south, on the west coast, east coast, gulf coast, and interior of the country.
  17. New album in September according to Nels Cline https://www.tellerreport.com/life/2019-06-17---wilco-s-new-album-will-be-released-in-september-and-will-be-%22very-different%22-from-the-previous-ones-.rkGFnh8V1S.html
  18. Anyone with any insight know why they are skipping New Orleans while they are playing everywhere else in the south, including Texas, Alabama, Georgia, Tennessee, and Oklahoma? Pisses me off and makes no sense.
  19. This is new to me. I've never heard it before. Found it while in a YouTube rabbit hole this morning. Really good song. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4RvMy1v65TM
  20. If anyone has a link to an mp3 rip of this, it would be greatly appreciated.
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