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Everything posted by Dude

  1. Here's a full interview from the Washington Post: http://voices.washingtonpost.com/postrock/2009/07/being_there_on_the_phone_with.html Being There (On the Phone) With Jeff Tweedy You saw Chris Klimek's interview with Wilco's Jeff Tweedy in Sunday's newspaper. That was just a teaser. Here's the entire thing, to get you ready for the band's sold-out show tonight at Wolf Trap. You waited seven albums in to do a self-titled disc, but now we've got Wilco (the album) opening with Wilco (the song). That's one of those jokes where it's hard to figure out why it's so funny. How did you end up
  2. I think I've heard of this obscure 'Long Black Veil' song that they are covering.
  3. This e-mail exchange between Palin and McCain strategist Steve Schmidt is pretty entertaining in a beating-a-dead-horse kind of way: http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2009/07/01/politics/main5128672.shtml
  4. He just has to replace the F word with 'shtup' and it will be kosher.
  5. According to this, the main sanctuary can accommodate 1000 people: http://www.emanuelcong.org/aboutus/building/ I may not recognize you at the show due to a rare memory-loss condition that happens from time to time. Don't be offended.
  6. This post makes me laugh, makes me feel disturbed and makes me hungry, all at the same time.
  7. You are clearly the King of the Pedal Steel... the "bacon of music that makes everything better." Sounded great.
  8. If the albums tops the Billboard 200 charts, which really doesn't seem unreasonable these days, will pigs fly?
  9. If a "pretentious touring schedule" causes this guy to burn his Wilco albums, quit or get banned from the board and start an Anti-Wilco website that nobody visits, that would be awesome.
  10. Dude

    Wilco Rankings

    I agree with the haters that it's a little silly to post the rankings, and as often as this board does them. I don't see anything really to be gained outside of the occasional 'OMFG d00d, you have the same ranking as me' type of thing. I also agree it's probably what lead to the ranking-in-chronological-order parody, as a thread with ranking after ranking after ranking gets to be a bit silly. Now, what would be cooler if someone were to conduct a point system survey of all the albums (top album gets a 7, 6, 5, etc), add up the scores and come up with a sort of mass consensus on what everyone
  11. Brief NY Times Magazine Q&A with Jeff http://www.nytimes.com/2009/07/05/magazine/05fob-q4-t.html?ref=magazine QUESTIONS FOR JEFF TWEEDY Rock of Ages By DEBORAH SOLOMON Published: July 1, 2009 Some of us think of your music as mom-and-dad rock, probably because it appeals with equal magnetism to aging boomers and our teenage kids. Wilco is the only current band on which there is any consensus in my household. That seems to happen quite a bit with this band, which is flattering. I’m not a big believer in the predestined hatred of generations. Although “Wilco (The Album)” was release
  12. A bit off-topic, but at the Cubs-Sox crosstown game on Sunday at US Cellular, I saw someone holding up this sign:
  13. Dunno what you mean.
  14. WXRT played Bull Black Nova today, which was a pleasant surprise during the drive home.
  15. This isn't the Wilco and Radiohead album for album comparison thread I feared it would be.
  16. Seeing and hearing this, the image that comes to mind is a tiny glass house with a huge pile of stones.
  17. Yeah, agreed 100%. At least Bangs was funny. Yeah, I agree that a lot of reviews that are praising the album are pretty lame, too. I just think dad rock jokes and rehab jokes in a Wilco album review are stale -- he's in dire need of some original material.
  18. I had a lot issues with the constant drug references, the belaboured attacking of Tweedy for daring to go into rehab, and for being a father, which apparently is about the worst thing you can be in rock music, even though you really don't hear that much about Kim Gordon being a mom rocker or Thurston Moore being a dad rocker. I don't have a problem with attacking the music for being boring; it seems pretty damn obnoxious though to attack him for leading a relatively healthy, drug and drama-free lifestyle these days.
  19. Time Magazine Q & A with Jeff: http://www.time.com/time/arts/article/0,8599,1907717,00.html Talking to Wilco's Jeff Tweedy By ROMESH RATNESAR Tuesday, Jun. 30, 2009 Jeff Tweedy of Wilco Founded in 1995, Chicago-based Wilco has become one of America's most innovative and acclaimed rock bands. Its 2007 album, Sky Blue Sky, is the group's biggest commercial success to date. The follow-up, Wilco (The Album), is out this week. TIME's Romesh Ratnesar spoke by phone to Wilco's lead singer, Jeff Tweedy, about the new album, the evolution of the band's music and its highest-profile fan: Barac
  20. Playing Kiss covers beautiful and stoned.
  21. Thanks! I couldn't really hear myself up there (but maybe that is a good thing ) It was great seeing everyone and sharing the Wilco love.
  22. You did a great job organizing this, too. I think this is something we should do every year, not just album release years...
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