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Oil Can Boyd

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Everything posted by Oil Can Boyd

  1. I don't know if they count as pop rock but I am still a big fan of Buffalo Tom. I saw them (for the zillionth time) a few weeks ago and they still sound great. They played some new songs and said that they have recorded an album's worth of new material but are not sure when and how they will release it.
  2. This Red Sox injury thing is getting ridiculous. Jason Varitek suffered a broken foot Wednesday night and is expected to miss six weeks.
  3. He was great in May of this year but seems to have settled back down in June. (Although his home run off of Lincecum the other day was pretty sweet.)
  4. This is a tough one for me. Blood on the Tracks is probably my favorite album of all time and I totally agree with Sir Stewart's sentiment above. It's a nice respite and I think it is a great vocal performance (for Dylan). That said, after about five minutes of it I am ready to move on ...
  5. Did Merge put the "Just Like Heaven" cover on instead?
  6. Well it's two: "Lose" (track 8) is a Lou rocker that I don't like that much. For me it's a real drop off from the first seven songs. And I appreciate your point about "Poledo" but I can't call an album flawless if there are songs that I skip and probably half the time I listen to You're Living All Over me I skip Poledo. Another tough one for me to leave out is Husker Du's Flip Your Wig. I absolutely love that album - except for the two instrumentals at the end. They are OK but they just feel sort of tacked on.
  7. And now Victor Martinez is hurt. He left the game in the 4th after taking a foul ball off his foot.
  8. I almost listed this but I will admit that I often skip the two Lou Barlow songs at the end.
  9. It's mentioned below in the Kink's thread but maybe Pete deserves his own thread.
  10. Nice tribute to Quaife here on the site for my friend who made the movie about trying to reunite the Kinks.
  11. Feelies - Crazy Rhythms But now how to address debut EPs? I was going to include: REM - Murmur (but Chronic Town came first) Arcade Fire - Funeral (but the Us Kids Know EP came first) Pixies - Surfer Rosa (But Come On Pilgrim came first) Pavement - Slanted + Enchanted (but Slay Tracks and others came first)
  12. And the Paradise is going to be closed for renovations for most of the summer. I would guess most of the shows that would go there will end up split between the Middle East and the Royale. I am curious to see what they are going to do to the Paradise ...
  13. There is another streaming song that you can link to from the caldo verde records site. You can also pre-order the CD and get a limited edition four song EP.
  14. I certainly agree that NJ gets a bad rap and I think many New Jersey-ites feel defensive about it. My grandmother grew up in Elizabeth which she says as one long word: "Elizabeth-which-was-nice-when-I-lived-there." My wife also grew up in a nice part of NJ but she often has to explain that there is a nice part. And I certainly agree with Lammy's point, and my trip this past weekend is a perfect example. The NJ portion of the trip started on the Turnpike which is, well, the New Jersey Turnpike. Then we got on Route 1 which looked like it used to be beautiful farmland but is now a lot of o
  15. And remphish I don't mean to seem like I am picking on you or your list, but half of that statement is arguably not true. According to the National Park Service "the Statue of Liberty is on Liberty Island, federal property administered by the National Park Service, located within the territorial jurisdiction of the State of New York. A pact between New York and New Jersey, ratified by Congress in 1834, declared this issue."
  16. Oh I read it. It seemed pretty amazing to me so rather than working I spent some time researching eggplant. This is a response to that same fact posted elsewhere: 9/20/04 - E-mail from a visitor: "This is fiction. New Jersey eggplant production reaches about 8,000 tons a year. In the USA this ranks FOURTH in the nation. California is #1 with 13,000 to 18,000 tons a year of eggplant. World-wide New Jersey produces about .1% of the world's eggplant. There is a lot to be proud of in the Garden State. Let truth be among them." - JP (Thank you for the note and the correction JP!) And according
  17. While New Jersey does have a lot of beautiful farmland, that is not even close to being true.
  18. I just spent the weekend in Princeton for a wedding and it smelled like money to me.
  19. Not sure whether this deserves its own thread but it is a little odd to me (from pitchfork): Last month, we reported that former Galaxie 500 frontman Dean Wareham would play a set of all Galaxie 500 songs this September in Atlanta. It wouldn't be a Galaxie 500 reunion, though; Wareham would be backed by his current-day Dean & Britta bandmates. As it turns out, Wareham has booked a whole tour of Galaxie 500 shows. The tour, spread from August to December, will take him to some of the bigger U.S. cities. Dates below. Also, Double Feature will release the Dean & Britta double album
  20. Posies - Grant Hart Sleater Kinney - Wanna Be Your Joey Ramone REM - Wendell Gee Magnetic Fields - Busby Berkeley Dreams Magnetic Fields - The Death of Ferdinand de Saussure
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